If you’re tweeting about the 2020 Dem primary, you might want to really know these candidates…

Grant Stern
Meet The Candidates 2020
2 min readDec 27, 2019

Dear Readers and Friends,

As I watch you debate who will emerge from the largest primary field ever seen, it is my hope that you’ll take a few minutes to consider buying one of my Meet the Candidates books.

All of the books start with series editor Scott Dworkin’s professional political opinions, many of which are based upon his extensive personal knowledge of the top three candidates.

They finish with a news analysis of their campaign that features exclusive commentary from journalists the campaign for outlets like the Washington Post and Politico, with a focus on adding historical context to help readers draw conclusions from the material.

Each volume distills over 150 sources into a readable biography that is roughly 120 pages long or about a three-hour read, and yes, it is readable.

We tried to include every relevant, credible detail about these candidates so voters are fully informed, and there is never a gotcha moment when they learn that the candidate that they like now, did… whatever they did in the past.

The books are also written with an eye on contrasting each candidate against the other and how they have behaved, and most importantly what they have accomplished after getting elected.

Most importantly, all of these books are a dispassionate look at the candidates’ personal story, their policy platforms, and their lifelong political biography.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and if you’d like to try one, please click here to find them on Amazon, or you can go to your local Barnes & Noble or buy online from them as well.

Very Truly Yours,


Disclosure: This post uses Amazon affiliate links.



Grant Stern
Meet The Candidates 2020

Miami based columnist and radio broadcaster, and professional mortgage broker. Executive Editor of OccupyDemocrats.com. This is my personal page.