Meetup Joins Forces with When We All Vote to Get More People to the Polls

2 min readSep 5, 2018


Power in numbers
Meetups are communities where people show up for each other. That’s why we’re asking for our organizers’ help in getting people to show up on election day. We’ve seen what can happen when communities act together, inspire one another, and speak up. The impact can be exponential.

We’re hoping to harness that power to get eligible voters to the polls. That starts with getting registered.

The situation: Low voter turnout
Americans aren’t voting. (Historically speaking, at least.) Voter turnout in the U.S. is a shockingly small percentage of the eligible population. National statistics tell us that 21% of eligible voters in the US still aren’t even registered, and only 36% of voters actually showed up to vote in the last midterm election.

When a large portion of the population doesn’t show up, their voices aren’t heard.

The Gameplan: Organizers use their show up superpowers
During When We All Vote’s Week of Action September 22–29, Meetup will participate in a nationwide effort to educate and mobilize as many citizens as possible to register to vote.

Here’s how:

  • We’re asking Meetup organizers to host a Meetup before or during the week of September 22nd, and to devote a few minutes to talk about voting. (we wrote you an easy how-to guide)
  • If you’re really passionate about the cause, reach out via this form to learn about additional ways to get more involved
  • Spread the word about voter registration on social media using hashtag #WhenWeAllVote

Our Partner:
We’ve joined forces with voter registration organization When We All Vote, a nationwide nonpartisan organization, to give Meetup organizers the tools they need to get their communities registered to vote.

Sound good? Great.

Have more questions? Check out our FAQ page, here.

Oh, and one last thing: Thank you to our Meetup organizers
Your enthusiasm, time, and commitment to your Meetup community humbles and inspires us every day. We’re proud to make a real impact, together.




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