I’m (also) making 100 things in 2016

Joshua Lavra
Mega Maker
Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2016


Many of us start each New Year with a resolution to do something. Exercise. Lose 15 pounds. Travel. Learn French. Read a book every two weeks…you get the idea. While I’m all for self-improvement (in fact, two of those resolutions are mine), I wanted 2016 to be a year of creating rather than doing.

“Life’s better when you make stuff” — @theleviallen

The inspiration for this goal came from Justin Jackson and his Maker Challenge. To kick off the year, Justin pledged to make 100 things while launching a program to encourage others to spend more time creating in 2016. You can sign up to do the same here: megamaker.co/challenge/

Over the course of 2016, I’ll trade my time binging Netflix and browsing reddit for shipping some things into the world.


Because life really is better when we make stuff.

By 11:59PM on 31 December, 2016, I will make:

  1. TEDx talk
  2. sticker
  3. t-shirt for sale
  4. usable logo for a brand
  5. real tattoo
  6. temporary tattoo
  7. travel ‘simple guide’
  8. finance ‘simple guide’
  9. job hunting ‘simple guide’
  10. a piece of art
  11. stock photo
  12. animated GIF
  13. postcard
  14. greeting card
  15. surprise letter for a friend
  16. newsletter
  17. Medium post on new tech
  18. book review
  19. website
  20. ringtone
  21. branded business card
  22. music or video mashup
  23. short story
  24. digital illustration
  25. VR experience
  26. IoT device
  27. raspberry Pi device
  28. NFC device
  29. handlettered text
  30. French pastry
  31. short film
  32. custom socks
  33. perfect old fashioned
  34. moleskine photobook
  35. Android app
  36. ‘smart home’ device
  37. podcast episode
  38. something 3D printed
  39. perfect aeropress coffee
  40. invisible app
  41. a tutorial
  42. video lesson
  43. sushi roll
  44. layer cake
  45. vegetarian meal
  46. watch band
  47. iOS app
  48. Spotify playlist
  49. handmade bracelet
  50. homemade dinner
  51. up-cycled item
  52. granola
  53. custom stamp
  54. perfect avocado toast
  55. paella
  56. origami animal
  57. homebrew beer
  58. custom VR headset
  59. english word
  60. drinkable wine
  61. pierogi flavored peanut
  62. perfect gin and tonic
  63. product review
  64. canvas painting
  65. bottle opener
  66. succulent planter
  67. hard candy
  68. city guide
  69. Twitter bot
  70. Slack community
  71. Slack bot
  72. portfolio
  73. product mockup
  74. IFTTT recipe
  75. timelapse video
  76. google slides template
  77. surprise care package
  78. periscope video
  79. charity donation
  80. product landing page
  81. 360 photo
  82. Medium post in French
  83. children’s story book
  84. bitcoin wallet or purchase
  85. something on the blockchain
  86. idea-pitch slide deck
  87. STEM product
  88. online advertisement
  89. custom pocket t-shirt
  90. year in review
  91. acai bowl
  92. strawberry rhubarb dessert
  93. resume template
  94. self-portrait
  95. sourdough bread
  96. kombucha
  97. digital animation
  98. product canvas
  99. picture in picture Instagram pic
  100. catalogue of 100 things challenge
You can view my Google Doc for a running update on my progress.

I hope you’ll join me in making 2016 the year of creating. Even if you don’t want to make 100 things, spend some time this year putting cool things into the world. You won’t regret it.

Curious if I’ll stick to the list? You can check-in on my progress by following me on Medium, Twitter, or through my website. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Interesting in seeing what other Makers are doing in 2016? Sign up for Justin’s challenge and Medium publication.



Joshua Lavra
Mega Maker

focused on human ways to support the health and happiness of young queer people @Hopelab. formerly @IDEO @EY_Doberman @AirLiquideGroup