Tina Joy
Mega Mantras
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2021


A Mad Tea Party by Zelda Fitzgerald in Zelda: An Illustrated Life: The Private World of Zelda FitzgeraldM

“The soul of the artist is beautiful and precious and without the artist neither would we be able to decipher the purpose of life nor would we be able to correlate our lives with the cosmic patterns.”

“Please remember that you owe it to the fine things inside you to get the most out of them.”

Zelda Fitzgerald

Many of the World’s Greatest Artists Suffered with Mental Health Issues

This #MondayMotivation our Mega Mantra sets the tone for a mission near and dear to us. A mission long neglected- Mental Health Awareness.

Our quote by famous American novelist and painter, Zelda Fitzgerald, who battled Schizophrenia, highlights how even with a mental illness, one can still produce quality work and live life integrated into society with the proper care and treatment.

Erasing the Stigma

Although spoken about, mental health is still dealt with with little care, effort, and treatment. Because so few understand what can be done, a great deal of stigma still surrounds the topic.

Many try to raise awareness about mental health in America however, we still have a very long way to go. America’s system is a broken one when it comes to programs and treatment centers available for those in need.

Proper Care is Hard to Find



Tina Joy
Mega Mantras

Tina Joy | The Yoga Nutritionist | Yoga — Wellness — Nutrition ~ Join: theyoganutritionist.com | email: theyoganutritionist@gmail.com