Monster stats have been modified!

Ryan Hestin
MegaBits Lab
Published in
1 min readFeb 5, 2015

In order to make the modification system a bit more intuitive, we have designed a system of more transparent stat progressions.

Most families of MegaBits now start with neutrally balanced stats — their first species is modified into progressively more specialized forms. For example, in the Kitnip family: Dandylion has a higher accuracy than Kitnip, at the cost of a lowered defense. Emperoar takes this progression even further, boasting one of the highest accuracies in the game.

Lions are often known for their deadly accuracy, right?

In other families, stats act as polarized specializations. For example, Elecdrone has a high speed — modifying to Pluridrone trades that high speed for a high attack. Steellig has a high defense, which is converted to a high speed when modified into Rustik.

Any resemblance to actual insects, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Modification is one of the core ways to build your MegaBits story. It’s always growing — we’re always making it more intuitive, and adding new ways to experiment and interact with the modifier!

— MegaBits Team



Ryan Hestin
MegaBits Lab

Computer Science student at the University of Pittsburgh, technology enthusiast, podcaster, and @megabitsapp dev. The last person you'll never want to know.