Megapont <> Project Indigo Special Announcement

Mark McKenzie
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2021

As we get closer to the mint period for Project Indigo, the Megapont team wanted to use this opportunity to give our valued partner project a special mention.

Indigo was created by two Megapont Apes with an inspiring vision of an NFT project with a narrative-driven focus as well as fantastic art. This is definitely something we want to see more of. We were immediately impressed with Vandal and Tim, from their organisation and project management to their maturity in building a community.

They haven’t promised to be the next Megapont or Cyberkongz. Instead, they have a vision of doing something incredibly unique and cool. We are super excited about this project and hope that the Megapont family share our enthusiasm for the project.

Contract Integrity

The Indigo team has taken our open-source Megapont Ape Club contracts and expanded upon them with the help of a known partner in the space. Assuming there are no material changes before release, the Megapont team has no reason to believe that there will be any security vulnerabilities within the contracts.

Words From Project Indigo

We asked Vandal to tell us a little more about the conception and details of the upcoming genesis launch of Project Indigo.

Roland Hume, one of the mintable handmade story characters

Vandal: “In the first moments of the first call we had about this crazy idea, Tim and I, two Megapont Apes, aligned very quickly around making a great, long term experience for the community rather than a one-off collection to be sold and forgotten. We settled on telling an epic post-apocalyptic story where the holders get to be a massive part of the action. We launched Project Indigo to tell that story and show a hint of the roadmap, showing how holders will affect the story outcome over time.

That was just the beginning. We have spent hours upon hours planning more, bigger and better for Q1, and we are excited to share more of that with you all as soon as we have defined it enough for it to be feasible and explained easily. We are looking at ways to make this a highly rewarding and engaging experience for holders while also providing value for those who prefer just to sit back and collect our NFTs. We are asking ourselves questions — How can we make this story even more interactive? More beautiful? More rewarding to play in?

What we know now is that this genesis collection will be special. We anticipate much more coming next year, but holders of this collection will always have the most benefit when it comes to story engagement and potential reward. It will feature highly unique generated Wastelander avatars with varying degrees of rarity, as well as a small number of animated, handmade characters who will be featured in the evolving storyline.

Mintpass holders will be able to mint starting on December 17th at 00:00 UTC. The public sale will follow on December 19th.

We hope to see you all there. We thank Megapont for its deep level of support over the past few weeks. We are planning a call shortly after mint to talk about the next steps and our team's evolution, which has already grown.

See you in the wasteland.”

For more information on Project Indigo, please refer to the following links:

