Newsletter #5

Mark McKenzie
Published in
4 min readJan 25, 2022
Megapont City

Welcome to the fifth and very oddly timed newsletter from the Megapont team. This newsletter focuses on providing precise details on the roadmap for the Megapont Robot Factory.

The team is pretty quiet at the moment, and we are working on several large initiatives, which is crunch time for us. Heads down and getting shit done is our motto at the moment.

Merchandise Update

We posted a sneak peek of merchandise from our partner before final production samples, and within 30seconds, they were on Twitter. Soooo… We now have some images of the production samples.

The final stages of testing the NFC chip durability are underway. For those interested in how that process works, you will assign the scanned merchandise to an Ape you own in your wallet when you first scan the item. This serves no purpose other than being fucking cool.

We are working on getting our commerce application up and running for early February. Merchandise orders will not be in STX or any other cryptocurrency, it will be a fiat-based sale of goods, and you will need to provide a valid shipping address. There is no limit on the quantity you can order, but you can only place one order.

We will be taking orders until March 1st 2022, 00:00 UTC. Production and shipping estimates will be provided regularly.

Unique Robot Airdrop

The Robot airdrop will be an on-chain contract deployed on Tuesday, February 1st.

The process is pretty straightforward. We will mint a Robot, and then the address this is minted to will be selected from all Robots that exist and are not listed with a custodial marketplace.

All Unique Robots will have Megapont Lore assigned to them in the metadata.

  • You can win more than 1 Unique Robot from the Airdrop.
  • You must have claimed your Robot, as unclaimed Robots do not exist.
  • Listed Robots on Megapont, Stxnft or Byzantion will be eligible.
  • Unique Robots will count towards the Kong mint allocation.
  • Unique Robots will inherit all Mainframe Robot utility.
  • Unique Robots can not be renamed or upgraded.
  • Yes, there are some animated Unique Robots.

Wen Animated Components…

This week.

The Robot Factory Going On Chain

The Robot Factory is a nightmare.

Supporting evolving NFTs with a mix between decentralised servers and centralised is a nightmare for everyone in the ecosystem. The Robot Factory NFTs probably make up 99% of all Stacks NFT support enquiries.

Furthermore, the NFTs are completely centralised at the moment. If the Megapont server is offline, so is your Robot NFT.

So how are we going to fix this? With code. Hopefully, by early February, we will move the Robot Factory metadata to contain a link to embeddable Javascript that will read the on-chain Robot DNA sequence and then produce the correct image. There will also be a script capable of generating the Metadata for a Robot using a similar method.

Robot Factory Components will move to IPFS this month.

Once this is implemented, we will closely monitor the implementation and hopefully get to a point where the metadata can be decentralised.

Robots and $MEGA

We’ve previously said that Robots will not yield $MEGA. This is still true. However, we will be introducing a trading contract where all components can be exchanged for $MEGA and a fixed exchange rate.

This will come after our token launch in partnership with ALEX.

Megapont Robot Duels

The secret that never was a secret. Coming sometime in Q2, we will open up an interactive experience where Robots can duel on-chain.

The experience will not be a 3D engine game and will be more like an auto chess experience with some element of randomness.

We are refining many mechanics that brush on the boundaries of various gaming laws to introduce some gambling and wagering elements. We don’t want to lose these elements, but we also don’t want to break any local laws.

Additionally, $MEGA will play a part both in participation and rewards. Expect another update towards the end of this quarter when we aim to have a working demo and more concrete marketing material.

Peace out.

