Newsletter #9

Mark McKenzie
Published in
5 min readJul 16, 2022

Welcome to another Megapont newsletter! As I was writing this update, I had to pause for a moment to reflect on the fact that we are making preparations for the first anniversary of Megapont. That’s right. Before you know it, we will be celebrating the one-year anniversary of Megapont.

This is also the first newsletter since May, so welcome back!


Every so often, I go back and watch the video of the MegaParty. Megapont started in Weasly’s bathtub and on my dining room table. From those humble beginnings, I never thought we would be getting the community together for a party in Times Square in less than a year.

What the f**k.

Thank you for being awesome. Know that we are here to do more than just build in a bull market and then head back off to the comfort of our web2 lives at the first sight of a bear market. Megapont is here to stay.

MegaKongs Megacoin Claim

The MegaKongs Megacoin claim will go live over the next few days. Keep an eye on the announcements channel in our Discord. Many people have asked questions about this process, so I wanted to clarify how it works.

You will need to connect both your Stacks and Ethereum wallet. At this stage, we only support Hiro on Stacks. Once you have connected both wallets, you will be able to proceed.

You may then select the Kongs you wish to claim Mega for and commit the transaction. This will cost a small amount of gas on the Ethereum network.

What this is doing on the backend is asserting ownership of the MegaKongs, then signing your connected Stacks address to a smart contract on Ethereum. We connect both wallets to avoid any possibility of user error and to encourage people to claim themselves. Although you could just interact with the smart contract if you wanted to.

If you are considering buying a MegaKong from the marketplace, you can check if a Mega claim has already been made for that MegaKong.

The claim process for MegaKongs will end on August 15th. After the 15th, we will airdrop all Megacoin to Stacks addresses. You cannot change the claim address once locked in, so please exercise some caution.

Kong Fu

Kong Fu. Baby Kongs. It’s Kong Fu. Our most ambitious NFT release to date.

Kong Fu is an interactive NFT experience taking inspiration from the likes of Zork, Torn City, Cyberpunk and more. It’s an episodic series in which you set the direction and craft your story. The choices you make along the way will influence your own journey and, of course, your Kong Fu NFT.

Each episode will focus on a large original illustration with animated and interactive elements as well as a narrated story with choices for you to make.

One early choice you will need to make is what school of Kong Fu your chosen Kong will decide to master. Many of the choices you make will have a significant impact on the decisions you need to make further down the line.

Your minted NFT will change after every decision you make and undergo a significant transformation upon the end of the story. The story will unfold in 3 parts, with the first episodes released in September.

We are excited to announce that Kong Fu will feature a “Universal” experience that parents can play through with their children. We are confident that this will be a fun first NFT adventure for many young explorers.

A lot of investment is being thrown into Kong Fu. The team is striving to set a precedent on how NFTs can be a rich, interactive media experience.

What will the final NFT look like?

You will have to wait to play the Kong Fu adventure. There will not be a single look or sneak peek at the final NFT until all episodes are completed and adventurers have unlocked them.

Free stuff?

Naturally, there are several Megapont ecosystem perks. We will reveal these in detail in September.

We are implementing an innovative power-up system when minting your Kong Fu NFT that will allow you to assign MegaKongs and other assets to enrich and modify the experience as well as the eventual NFT.

Additionally, Apes Together Pass holders will get to experience a unique storyline.

Kong Fu Mint Date: September 2022

Mint Cost: 0.02E — This will be adjusted down should the dollar price of the mint exceed $25.

Mint supply: Open Mint.

You read that right. The experience will be an open mint. The mint will remain open until the second series of episodes is released. The time between the first and second episodes will be around one week.

Why are we doing this? Please join us for an AMA in Discord on Wednesday, July 27th, to learn more.

Discord AMA

We are excited for the community to experience Kong Fu and shape their journey.

Until next time.

