Strategic Blockchain Partnership between MegaX and FlipNpik

Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2018

Retail focused blockchain company MegaX signs strategic partnership with FlipNpik- the first collaborative social media for local businesses operating in an ecosystem based on blockchain technology.

This partnership will grow the Retail SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprise) industry in South-East Asia which will in turn contribute significantly to local economies.

The partnership will also enable MegaX to tap on the growing ecosystem of partners, users and businesses on FlipNpik, allowing it’s brands to become more discoverable. MegaX will also onboard more retail brands not currently on e-commerce, which creates a greater share of offline transactions. MGX token will be used and accepted on the FlipNpik platform.

FlipNpik benefits from the merchant base that the iFashion Group/MegaX will continuously onboard. iFashion Group has an active base of more than 40,000 retailers. iFashion Group will also expose FlipNpik to it’s extensive customer-base through an announcement of this partnership. The FNP token will be accepted on MegaXstore for payments.

MegaX will airdrop a number of MGX tokens to the FlipNpik community, and both organisations will also swap a limited number of tokens between them to be equally incentivised for the future.

Finally, a Truely Beneficial Business Network

FlipNpik offers a fascinating yet important premise- an ecosystem where businesses can thrive by becoming more visibile, and having customers directly participate and get rewarded for doing so. This leads to a more equitable playing field for different industries, and SMEs can hold their own against bigger conglomerates or MNCs. Small businesses are the backbone of the economy and also the largest producer of jobs. The spillover effects of a more robust SME ecosystem will therefore be tremendous.

Combined Blockchain and Business Network Expertise

The FlipNpik team has built a vibrant and interactive platform which is well-planned and strategised to grow rapidly. The MegaX team brings a solid foundation of businesses and customers which will directly participate in FlipNpik’s ecosystem. This combination of technology and business-expertise will definitely bring significant value and impact to businesses, local economies, and the blockchain-industry on the whole.



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Spendable tokens on the retail platform and network $MGX