What CAS Listing on MegaXstore Means?

Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2018

In a recent nomination poll by MegaXstore, Cashaa (CAS) beat out competitors like Bitcoin and Litecoin and was officially nominated to be the next payment method of MegaXstore.

So, why should you care and why does this mean for the CAS token?

For those of you who are still in the dark, Cashaa focuses on allowing consumers to use cryptocurrencies as they please with low transaction fees as well as enjoy fast execution of operations. On top of that, consumers don’t have to be tech-savvy as the user interface and user experience is designed in such a way that the average everyday user can understand and use the application easily.

Positioned as the future of banking, the ERC-20 token is definitely an interesting token to keep up to date with.

However, besides the proof of a strong community, what else does CAS listing on MegaXstore mean?

MegaXstore has over 200 brands, a wide variety of 20,000 products and finally, a quickly growing customer base (25,000 in the database at the time of writing this). Singapore owned, MegaXstore positions itself as a store for millenials and it makes sure that its products are carefully sourced, unique, and personally curated.

CAS winning the nomination poll is great for the token in terms of providing it even more utility moving forward. As one of the few tokens listed as an accepted form of payment on the Singapore e-commerce site, CAS is a token with real life use and a leading position in an establish e-commerce field.

Additionally, as the e-commerce site has a wide customer base, it is likely that customers interested in buying products from the site would consider getting themselves some CAS as well.

So, on top of increasing utility of the token, demand is poised to increase as well.

Kudos to the Cashaa team for the win and of course, congratulation to the Cashaa community!



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