Two Poems

Published in
1 min readSep 27, 2020

By N. Urja

(to keep the formatting of the first poem intact, we have added it as an image)

Not a minute too soon

Six Orgasms

Any day that I wish now,
I can treat myself to at least
six orgasms
to make up for the six years
in which I faked
sixty orgasms —
one every six weeks or so —
to satiate your
asexual aspirations
of being a sexually proficient

At times a sharp hot jab,
often a soft curling purr,
always wave after wave of crippling
delight that I denied myself
for so long but no more.

Sorry mother,
but if you intended
for me to be religious
you ought not have insisted
that reading be a part
of my edification.
You bang those plates
with the curious neighbours
and make excuses if you must
Back in my unbigoted bed
I entitle myself to at least

six orgasms.

