The secret to insane productivity

Mehul Yadav
Mehul Yadav
Published in
1 min readMar 28, 2021
  • Never open multiple tabs on your browser because it overwhelms your mind and you’re not able to focus even on the single tab. Dedicate one browser for your work and others for entertainment.
  • Dehydration causes sleepiness, low blood pressure, headache, and dizziness. So, it’s important to keep yourself hydrated. In a day, men should drink 3.7 litres of water and women drink 2.7 litres of water.
  • Sitting, promote slows blood circulation in your legs, and your body starts to slow down. To reverse the effects, try to decrease the amount of time spent sitting. The research found out that, 87% of employees who used the standing desk reported feeling more energetic and focused.
  • If you start sleeping at the same time then you don’t even need an alarm clock. Because your mind will wake you up automatically. The mind loves to follow patterns and routines.

