These are the companies that no one knows about but could dominate future markets.

Mehul Yadav
Mehul Yadav
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2019

How to make $1 trillion?

Start an AI company

DeepMind had a simple task

In 2013, DeepMind created an AI company to play the Atari arcade game: Breakout. The AI used data and pattern recognition to master the game.

After only 600 games, the AI was playing like an expert.

This was truly groundbreaking.

Vicarious had a much more complicated task

They took DeepMind’s AI and made it play a tweaked version of the game. The game was only slightly different, but the AI could not play at all. It was a complete beginner.

Co-founder of Vicarious, Dileep George, explains that

“We humans are not just pattern recognisers … We’re also building models about the things we see.”

As humans, we can adapt to new situations very quickly. Vicarious is a company that is focussed on creating Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Their aim is to

Combine what we know about Artificial Intelligence with what we know about neuroscience.

In effect, they want to create a machine that thinks like a human.

They took the idea to investors, and everybody wanted to invest. Vicarious’ investors include Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Samsung, ABB, and many more.

The idea would be to attach the AI to robots who could work in factories, cook meals, solve problems, etc. There are endless possibilities and endless applications.

Unlike my other answers, this business story does not have an ending. We will all watch what will happen. Companies like Vicarious are the unknown authors of our future.

They will dominate every market. At some point, for better or worse, these robots will become better than humans.

A better employee, a better artist, a better carer, a better


If you are interested, I will leave a few AI future. I hope you enjoyed it!!

AI Future Possibilities:

  1. We can control AI through their code, and they become our most powerful tool.
  2. AI is used as the ultimate weapon in war. This would lead to unimaginable terror.
  3. We live peacefully alongside AI as equals.
  4. AI develop their own goals, which we are not a part of. They end up killing or controlling us.
  5. We integrate with them, i.e. we have AI implanted into our bodies.
  6. AGI is impossible.

Feel free to leave your thoughts on our future with AI.

