Dude-strology: It’s Mercury Retrograde, and I Have No Idea WTF That Means! Is the World Gonna End? Help!

Our sixth humble attempt at making men care about astrology

Erin Taj
MEL Magazine
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2018


Welcome to the latest episode of Dude-strology. In this episode, I offer astrological wisdom for the following questions—and signs:

  1. For a Cancer: I’m really trying to lose weight for the summer—or at least until beach season ends—but is there a method I can use that doesn’t require me to give up booze or carbs?
  2. For all signs: What’s a rising sign?
  3. For a Gemini: It’s Mercury retrograde, and I’m scared! Is this gonna ruin my life? Or am I gonna win like a million dollars? Help! (And please tell me it’s the latter.)

More importantly, write to me. Because men, I’m more than happy to tell you what your sign means w/r/t whatever is happening in your bedroom, with your friends and family or your job/office. Hmu at erin.taj@melindustries.com.

Erin Taj is MEL’s art director. She last wrote about how to get back your Scorpio girlfriend if you’re an Aquarius.

More Dude-strology:

