Everything Coronavirus, the Truth About Bernie Bros and Prepping for Prison

Magdalene Taylor
MEL Magazine


This week’s been all coronavirus, all the time — and for good reason. Honestly, it might be better for us all to turn off our brains for awhile, since it seems like the only thing the news has been doing is making us anxious. On an immediate level, the stress is probably worse for your health. But who knows, maybe by the time you’re reading this, we’ll all be under mandatory quarantine in our homes. And if that’s the case, at least you’ll have plenty of time to read about what it’s like to teach white-collar criminals about prison.

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Other Long Reads from the Week That Was

The Aforementioned Coronavirus (Like You’re Thinking About Anything Else, Anyway)

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Magdalene Taylor is an editorial assistant and contributor at MEL. She loves Korn, Juggalos, and being a dumb bitch. She lives in LA but is from God’s country, Western Massachusetts.



Magdalene Taylor
MEL Magazine

Magdalene is an editorial intern at MEL Magazine. She loves Korn and western Massachusetts. She currently lives in LA.