The Infamous Devon Sawa Dick-Slip in ‘Now and Then,’ In Defense of Vacation Selfies and How to Take the Kids on Planes

Jeff Gross
MEL Magazine


I’m in full agreement with Tierney Finster that there is no wrong amount of selfies to take on vacation. If you want to spend two hours posing on the beach while everyone looks at you side-eyed, by all means, you do you!

All I’m gonna say is, just don’t be so selfie-involved you hop into a Jaguar pit to take one. Or destroy $200,000 worth of priceless art. Or vandalize priceless antiquities. That shit’s bush league.

Must Read

“Millennial Women on the Importance of the Peen Scene in ‘Now and Then’”
For teenage girls in the ’90s, 1995’s Now and Then, a coming-of-age tale about the boy-crazy lives of three young girls in the 1970s, was a formative film. Not just because the movie marked many millennial women’s first glimpse at a big-screen kiss, or because it perfectly captured the evolution into womanhood, but because for one, single, solitary frame — a frame that would be played and rewound and played again ad nauseum on VCRs at sleepovers across the country — it captured something else on film: Devon Sawa’s dick. Quinn Myers spoke to seven millennial women and discovered that, for teenage girls in the ’90s, this freeze-framing ritual was their own coming-of-age moment. READ MORE

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Yeah, about that pollution — you wouldn’t think we’d be able to basically kill something this big and amazing, but holy balls, we’re giving it our best shot.

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Revenge of the ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Marathon

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Now, with Endgame back in theaters, we thought we’d have him recount the few highs and the many lows of what happened afterwards. It wasn’t pretty.

Weed Country

Pray for the day when you can tour a Girl Scout Cookie field the way you can a Napa vineyard, and taste-test a robust sativa like you can a jammy Cabernet, or a dry sauvignon blanc. Sadly, that day isn’t likely to arrive anytime soon, mostly because underdeveloped laws in California currently stand in the way of organized weed tours, despite a demand from ‘cannasseurs’ around the globe.

Jeff Gross is MEL’s senior editor for social media and content marketing. His daily ICYMI column, which chronicles all things meta on the site, is the quickest way to catch up on MEL, and the funniest thing you’ll read all day. Follow him on Twitter.

