The Men ‘Lost’ at Sea, Homophobes’ Obsession With Lesbian Porn and Bricks That Are Made of Piss

Jeff Gross
MEL Magazine


Fellas, it’s not gay to watch porn with dicks in it. You already rub a dick once, sometimes twice a day — vigorously, no less.

If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say the guys who forsake hetero porn for the lesbian variety because dicks are gay are the same guys who burned their Nike gear because of Colin Kaepernick. Or they’re the same guys who threw out their Keurigs to protest the lamestream media’s treatment of Roy Moore.

Nice self-own, guy. Only watching lesbian porn because you’re afraid you’ll like dicks too much is just as batshit crazy, so you can see where these two demos might overlap.

Some dudes are so dumb.

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Well, That’s Ironic

“If I go to a porn site the first thing I try to find is the lesbian shit. I don’t want to see any dicks whatsoever.”

What do you do when you’re a homophobe who loves porn? Jerk it to that “lesbian shit,” of course. Makes total sense for these men who are so afraid of dicks they actively tout their stash of girl-on-girl vids as proof they’re not gay.

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Another Piss-Brick in the Wall

Houses made of piss? Why the hell not, said a bunch of students in Cape Town, South Africa, when they collected urine from urinals in their university’s engineering building and mixed it with sand and bacteria to form bio-bricks that produce zero waste and don’t require kilns for baking.

Oh, and don’t worry — you’ll get used to the thick stench of ammonia that they promise will go away in a few days. At least, you might have to, because if these bricks take off, you might soon be living in the House That Piss Built.

From the Archives…

It is with a heavy heart that we bring you the news that Four Pins, the quasi-defunct men’s streetwear site that found a second life on Twitter, has been de-platformed by the social networking service.

Seven months ago, we wrote about Four Pins and its cult following in media and fashion circles. But what we were really trying to do is get to the heart of the earnest, obsessive, incisive and absurd blog’s most exasperating mystery: Just who the hell was running it?

RIP Four Pins.

Jeff Gross is MEL’s senior editor for social media and content marketing. His daily ICYMI column, which chronicles all things meta on the site, is the quickest way to catch up on MEL, and the funniest thing you’ll read all day. Follow him on Twitter.

