Journalism: The Truth and BackBone of the World

Arielle Gonzales
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2021

In our world today, most people are consumed with some form of media. People watch the news on television, some on social media or apps such as News Break. Many reporters and journalists put things out there that the general public would need to know. In addition, media content could be things that people would want to know about.

The intention of journalism is accordingly to provide the public with the knowledge. This information is what they need to make the logical possible decisions about their lives, communities, societies, and governments.

Journalism has a huge impact on the world. Without journalism, the world would be full of chaos and unknown — a different world altogether. Journalism provides current and relevant information that the public should be aware of.

Marty Baron summed up the importance of the press when he said, “Sometimes it’s easy to forget that we spend most of our time stumbling around the dark. Suddenly, a light gets turned on and there’s a fair share of blame to go around. I can’t speak to what happened before I arrived, but all of you have done some very good reporting here. Reporting that I believe is going to have an immediate and considerable impact on our readers. For me, this kind of story is why we do this.”

In the movie “Spotlight”, reporters had to do a story about the Catholic Church abusing power and molesting children in the church. Reporters had to find sources and information that would back the story. Even though there were trials and a long time before it got released to the public, it happened. It made a huge impact in the media against the church because people were unaware of how close it happens to people near them or locally.

If the spotlight team didn’t shine a light on what was happening, the stories would not have gotten our attention, and people would still be unaware of the Church’s actions and abuse.

This newspaper movie shares the huge twists and turns that are less likely similar to “All the President’s Men.” That film tells the story of more dense compact journalism as they zeroed in on a global institution in power.

“All the President’s Men” was a more serious drama political movie based on the botched 1972 burglary of the Democratic Party Headquarters at the Watergate apartment complex. Journalists had to search and find information regarding what was happening and make connections to the case.

Journalists of the world have to pick apart connections and information then address what is going on in the dark. Journalism is all about what you need to bring in the public that has to be addressed.

These two examples of movies are great examples of journalism. They both exhibit how journalism is serving its purpose of giving the public the truth.

It is important and very necessary journalism to keep everyone informed and balanced with knowing what is true.

In many unfavorable instances, journalists have to get sources or run stories that could get them into trouble due to who they are running the stories on. These types of trouble could be businesses, people in power, people who have ties in the law, or local figures.

The importance of journalism is as simple as it could be put. Whether the journalist has to be dealing with lawsuits or lives be threatened, this comes with reporting very sensitive, important news.

As the watchdog of those in power, journalism allows the media and public to be in balance. This allows a powerful important stance with the public to give information. It is important that information shared with the public be the truth and always the truth regardless of how sensitive or disastrous the story may be.

Today, especially, journalism is still important with the chaos of “fake news.” Journalism is the balance of truth that is powerfully important to keep in check.

Without journalism, the public would be in a world full of a lack of knowledge and truth that could hurt the balance and justice. It would only benefit the powerful and fake news that is not the true depth of journalism. Journalism has to be “the truth and nothing but the truth” with actual information and awareness of this open world of chaos.

