5 keys to overcome your shyness when meeting new people

Mélanie Hewawasan
Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2018

“Someone you haven’t even met yet is wondering what it would be like to meet someone like you

Meet new people

If you believe in the power of meeting new people but you are afraid to make the first step than this article will help you to overcome your shyness.

We’ve all been in this awkward situation where you are in a room full of people and you clearly see that some of them are just alone, waiting like you to meet new people and connect with them but no one is ready to make the first move. Then it is just a battle of eye contact: you are looking at the person, she is looking back but no one is moving. What should you do?

I will tell you what. Read until the end and follow every step!

  1. Make the first move

Making the first move is crucial. I know it is easier said than done but you have to make it without even thinking. Ok let’s take back our example. When you are seing this person standing there alone, don’t try to avoid the eye contact. It’s very important that once you make eye contact, you should smile and make the first step towards this person. Go and have a talk : “Hey, how are you? My name is….”! A smile is the key access that will allow you to make the first move. It’s an ice breaker! Making the first move will give you a boost of confidence, and every time you will experience this situation, you will do the same! You will become a different person ;)


When you meet new people, don’t try to make a good impression by faking someone you are not! Be yourself, this is the best advice I can give you. When you are yourself, you simply don’t care whether the other person likes you or not. Don’t be afraid to express your own point of view and share your vision of the world. This will make you unique and beautiful. Don’t need to impress other people to like you. Be authentic and independent.

3. Listen carefully

Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Don’t try to interrupt her every time she tries to speak. Don’t always speak. Listen and take notes in your mind. Listening to someone and being understanding is one of the most beautiful thing ever. It makes the other feel listened and recognised. When you genuinely listen to what the other person is saying, you will be ready to ask her questions and give her feedback. The worst thing to do is not paying attention of what she is saying. If you do that, the other person will not feel important and will just walk away. What’s the point of speaking with someone who doesn’t pay attention to what you are saying? Pointless!

So here is what you should do:

  • Listen carefully
  • Take notes in your mind
  • Be reactive
  • Respond
  • Give Feedback

4. Share

When meeting new people, one of the most important thing is sharing. Don’t be selfish on sharing tips, stories and giving feedback. Sharing is beautiful and can literally open many doors to success and happiness. If you don’t share, you have 99,99% chance that the person in front of you will not share much with you. If you keep sharing good advices and good tips, the person will also share some with you! And that’s a win-win! Keep sharing and giving! Don’t keep everything for you, keep learning from others and go out of your comfort zone!

5. Stay in Touch

Don’t walk away without getting the other person’s LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other contact details. Don’t let this person go! You never know maybe one day you will need her and you’ll be very frustrated not to remember anything about the conversation. Always leave the meeting with some information about this person ( name, job, position, interests, hobbies). Next time when you will meet this person, you will instantly connect with her. You can say something like: “Hey, how was that conference you’ve been two days ago?” or “How was the movie you told me you were going to watch?” this will make the person really feel intimate to you and recognised. I promise you, she will not forget you! Remember as much info as you can!

So remember these 5 key points that will make you overcome your shyness when meeting new people:

  1. Make the First move
  2. Be Yourself
  3. Listen Carefully
  4. Share
  5. Stay in Touch

So next time, make the first move and remember to follow the steps! You will be a different person!

If this article helped you, share it with your friends ;)

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Mélanie Hewawasan

Passionate about entrepreneurship, I launched Mel’s Talk in 2018, a talk show for entrepreneurs where we highlight stories from entrepreneurs around the world.