How can love affect you?

Mélanie Hewawasan
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2017

By Mélanie Hewawasan

Here are a few thoughts about my vision of love. Enjoy!

Love is everywhere. We are surrounded by love since our birth till our death. In between life is all about loving and caring. Wether it is our family, friends or people we meet everyday at work or in the street. For me, love is everything. It is the reason why I wake up everyday thinking about my goals, my life and it gives me strength. I remember times when I was so happy because I was loved. This kind of love is special and gives us a lot of courage. The love of your family is very special, it is an untouchable love, a mystery beyond this world. The bond that you create with love is so exceptional that we often underestimate its power on us.

For instance, if you have problems with you friends, boyfriends or girlfriends, it is sometimes very hard to hide . Love affects your work mentally and thus affect the way you respond in the present moment. To avoid this situation, you must remain focus on the present and pretend that it’s a shinny day. Being in the present moment is crucial because you don’t want to lose focus, don’t you? Try to be in the present moment by controlling your thoughts. If someone talks to you but at the same time your mind says “How come he/she didn’t text me back?” don’t get lost! Please come back to the present moment because otherwise you will miss an opportunity or an important information that could be crucial for your work.

“ There is only one happiness in the world : to love and be loved”

Georges Sand

I love this quote because it always remind me that all humans are equal. At the end of the day we all need the same thing : love. Remember that love is beautiful and I don’t think of anything more powerful than love. It can literally move mountains. I hope one day you will fall in love, because it is the best feeling ever. Don’t try to avoid or escape from love. You could miss something very precious.

Thanks for reading this article, if you want to share your story please leave a comment and if this article gave you courage to believe in love again, please clap ;)

Love you all, Mélanie



Mélanie Hewawasan

Passionate about entrepreneurship, I launched Mel’s Talk in 2018, a talk show for entrepreneurs where we highlight stories from entrepreneurs around the world.