Better mental health finally within reach and biodiversity preservation that you won’t be-leaf: Meet the 2023 MAP Cohort

Gemma Melville
Melbourne Accelerator Program (MAP)
7 min readMay 12, 2023


The MAP 2023 Cohort

Getting good sleep is essential for our health and wellbeing, but one in three people have difficulty falling or staying asleep, and 6–10% of people experience clinically significant insomnia. These are the issues that sleep psychologist Hailey Meaklim is working to solve with cutting edge sleep science in her startup My Better Sleep, improving sleep quality for one third of Australians who have issues with their sleep.

She’s one of 11 incredible startups selected to join this year’s Melbourne Accelerator Program.

Ranging from adding glitter to your food in the name of nutrition, bringing mental health support into much closer reach, to protecting Australia’s biodiversity one square metre at a time, the teams are building unique solutions to pressing challenges, turning their focus to our own health and productivity and preserving the earth we live in.

The startups have been selected from hundreds of hopeful businesses to take part in MAP, after a competitive four-stage selection process. The startups made their grand introduction at the 2023 MAP Launch, held at the iconic Plaza Ballroom, sharing the pitches that gained them entry into the coveted program.

The Launch marks the beginning of the five-month MAP journey for these teams, who are all co-located at the MAP office in Melbourne Connect, the University of Melbourne’s purpose-built innovation precinct.

Over the next five months, the 11 teams will receive mentoring from some of Australia’s most talented minds, as well as access to a global network of advisors, channel partners and investors. To top it off, they’ll all receive $20,000 in funding (with no equity taken) to help accelerate their startup.

One of the program’s major influences is Professor Colin McLeod, Executive Director of the Melbourne Entrepreneurial Centre, who says the program has never been a better position than it is now.

“There are so many benefits provided by the MAP program that will help this twelfth cohort to thrive. MAP’s value grows each year we run the program. The founders are well supported by a growing network of successful entrepreneurs and businesspeople, both local and international, with a thirst for impact. These people have a wealth of experience, are often program or University alumni and can help guide these emerging entrepreneurs to long term success.

“It was particularly special to see the venue absolutely packed to capacity at the MAP Launch, it’s such an important event that makes MAP an integral part of Melbourne’s startup ecosystem. These founders have been selected for a number of reasons, but in particular our confidence in their desire to be a part of this ecosystem and to be a part of the MAP community long into the future.”

Making the program even more attractive to budding startups who have studied or worked at the University, the University of Melbourne has recently announced the launch of two new venture funds that will support high-potential startups to achieve impact through access to investment, expertise and networks to help them reach their full potential and create impact at scale.

“The success of MAP has been the catalyst for so much more at the University of Melbourne, including the Melbourne Entrepreneurial Centre, the Translating Research at Melbourne and Melbourne InnovatEd programs, the recently established Genesis Fund and Tin Alley Ventures.

“The University’s commitment to these initiatives provides the support systems to bolster the entrepreneurial community we’ve established at MAP and the rapid development of new startups and ventures associated with the University of Melbourne. These startups have never been in a better position to access support, mentorship and capital that will set them up for success.”

Now in its 12th year, MAP is Australia’s oldest and most sought-after University-aligned accelerator program. Alumni include well-known Australian startups Acusensus, Atticus, More Good Days, Nura, Intellischool and Bardee, among many others, inspiring and influencing our cohort to reach the great potential they have.

10 Years of MAP: Accelerating Melbourne’s Startup Impact

Andrew Rowse, Director of Programs at the Melbourne Entrepreneurial Centre, says this year’s cohort is already starting to gel and take advantage of what the program can provide:

“We’re seeing the MAP program’s value continue to evolve and grow year on year. We’ve already seen the cohort beginning to deep dive into the specifics of their with their entrepreneurs-in-residence, and similarly work together to help solve each other’s business hurdle. The energy that the 11 companies have already brought to the space is phenomenal in how quick they have gelled together, and I have no doubt this cohort will be one of the strongest, making good use of all the University of Melbourne and MAP team resources”

After 11 years of selecting startups for the program, the selection criteria that makes up a great cohort has been refined. Motivated, business-minded and unity within a team are some of the desirable qualities that have created dynamic cohorts in years past.

“We’ve seen that the stage of companies successful in their MAP application evolve over time, this is a great pulse check on the maturing and thriving ecosystem here in Melbourne and around the country. However we still stick to the core tenets of MAP in terms of positive contributions to society and giving back to the ecosystem.”

The community is growing, alumni become mentors and cheer on the passionate new starters.

“MAP’s alumni from the previous 11 years is absolutely key to the continued success of each incoming cohort of startups. The knowledge sharing, experience, and networks that this provides our startups is quite literally second to none, and the ethos of feeding back into the ecosystem continues to be one of the biggest drivers of value”.

Please allow us to introduce the 2023 MAP cohort:

(Pictured left to right) Jeremy Chan and Billy Chang from Aelo

Aelo is an eyecare brand seeking to alleviate signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. It aims to beautify the customer journey of treating dry eye in a similar style to the skincare industry, by creating a self-care experience centred around wellbeing.

(Pictured left to right) Shaun Burriss and Joseph Glesta from Climasens

Climasens is a climate risk analytics startup that aims to help organisations transform climate risk into climate resilience through its climate analytics platform. It provides users with climate insights data visualisation, and analysis to understand climate-related risks to people, places, and assets using historical, present, and future climate information.

(Pictured left to right) Jade Diep and Augusta Xu-Holland from Dr Glitter

Dr Glitter:
Dr Glitter have developed a health supplement in the form of colourful sparkling nutrient crystals, designed to be sprinkled on top of food. The beautiful glitter is intended to be paired with nutrient-dense whole foods to enhance absorption and optimise the health benefits of the nutrients.

(Pictured left to right) Sheree Andersen and Johnny Reid from Elliephant

Elliephant is a gift management solution, assisting organisations with gifting to employees and clients at scale. Gifting to many people at once is currently an arduous process for organisations. Elliephant seamlessly facilitates organisations to send gifts to an audience of any size, from one person to thousands.

(Pictured left to right) Junhong Chen and Jackson Shen from Kinetics

Kinetics is the browser built for business. Designed to help you navigate across all your favourite work apps, collaborate with your team, and get data-driven insights on how you or your team uses technology. Start your day with Kinetics to get work done!

Hailey Meaklim from My Better Sleep

My Better Sleep:
My Better Sleep is making evidence-based sleep care available for everyone. It is an online app-based platform that provides a personalised sleep experience for more restful nights and wakeful days. It uses behavioural sleep medicine services supported by a great evidence base of success.

(Pictured left to right) Susanna Chan Richardson and JJ (Joseph) Richardson from SWIFF

SWIFF prevents odours on your clothes, kid and animal things, in the home and more. It’s a nontoxic, eco-friendly and antimicrobial spray that replaces any need for deodorants and fragrances. Backed by science and safe for everyone.

(Pictured left to right) Ben Southall and Vincent Lau from Talked

Talked is an online therapy platform that matches clients to therapists such as psychologists and psychotherapists. Clients can choose an appropriate practitioner out of hundreds of qualified and registered options across Australia.

(Pictured left to right) Bree-Anne Pagonis and Alicia Holmsquest

WIRL is an online app-based platform that curates the user’s eating experiences to support their mental wellbeing. Healthy, happy feelings are scientifically linked with the gut-brain axis, so by aligning the user’s mood, needs and meals, WIRL tailors the users eating experience to help them feel amazing.

(Pictured left to right) Ash Knop, Paul Dettmann and Heath Evans from Wilderlands

The World Economic Forum has warned that biodiversity loss is among the top three threats facing humanity. Wilderlands have developed one of the world’s first voluntary biodiversity units and built a platform to enable individuals and organisations to start protecting nature today; one square metre at a time.

(Pictured left to right) Lance Qian and Jing Chen from WorkRex

Work Rex:
WorkRex enables every small business operator to build, grow, and cultivate their own talent pools. Operators get to hire for any temp or perm role from their talent pool with peace of mind, and clearly understand their reputation in the talent market through analytics.


Learn more about the MAP Accelerator Program on our website here.

