Meet the team: Jaxon Hickey | MAP Accelerator Manager

Hannah McLean
Melbourne Accelerator Program (MAP)
2 min readApr 26, 2023
Jaxon Hickey | Accelerator Manager, MAP
  1. What is the purpose of your role as Accelerator Manager:

The purpose of my role is to help accelerate the growth of startups associated with the University of Melbourne through the assistance of mentors, advisors and the broader University and startup ecosystem.

2. What do you love most about MAP or being in the startup space:

What I love about MAP is that we genuinely put the founder first. We are in such a fortunate position to be able to meet the founders where they are at and help them grow at the rate they want to.

3. What are you looking forward to most in regards to this year’s MAP accelerator program:

I’m looking forward to getting back in person and building a cohort and community that love being in the space and coming to work every day.

4. If you could have a coffee chat with any person (dead or alive), who would it be and why:

I’d love to have coffee/meet with Daniel Kahneman. He has such an interesting view on the world and pioneers an area I find super interesting: the psychology of judgment and decision-making.

5. What is one top tip you think a new founder/startup would benefit from knowing:

Invest the time upfront in discussing the hard topics with potential co-founders. Discuss definitions of success, time wanting to be involved, whether it is a life ambition or hobby etc. It will save a lot of time and headaches in the future.

6. If you could give a shoutout to someone from MAP who you appreciate or want to recognise, who would it be and why:

I want to give a shoutout to Kwang Lim — guest speaker and long-time supporter of MAP. Kwang is one of the most dedicated teachers/faculty members I’ve ever met and always has so much time to give despite wearing a million hats.

Learn more about the MAP Accelerator Program here.
Connect with Jaxon

