MELD Dev Diary 06
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2022
Lending & Borrowing
- Implemented new checks for account contract allowing creation of new user deposit requests.
- Implemented the process to collect deposit requests a single account UTXO in pool contract.
- Added auth token for pool contract to verify authenticity.
- Fixed Protocol Parameter contract to conform Plutarch validator script type signature.
- Wrote a tiny package to polyfill the difference between old and new plutus-ledger-api libraries, enabling the ability to extract common contract types to a separate package and cross-compile with both on-chain and off-chain dependencies.
- Added logic tests for account contracts, pool contracts, and NFT minting policies.
- Refactored multiple auth token minting policies into a single minting policy for more reusability.
- Researched how the underlying representation of each Plutarch data type is structured in Plutus Core in order to write correct typeclasses to extract data from PDatum and PRedeemer.
- Prepared scaffolding for indexers loading configuration and environment variables.
- Wrote Docker bake configuration to automate all Docker image builds with a single command.
- Implemented Docker compose configuration to automate process of setting up private testnet with protocol’s root UTXO, compile scripts and upload as reference scripts.
- Implemented new CI jobs to run unit tests, build and publish Docker images.
- Reorder file structure and Docker image layers to enhance caching and performance of Docker build.
- Terraformed self hosted GitHub runner for CI of lending and borrowing product.
- Configured self hosted GitHub runner through terraform and shell scripts.
- Developed MELD software versioning strategy document.
Read more from the Dev Diary series here!