MELD Dev Diary 16
Published in
2 min readDec 26, 2022
Borrowing & Lending
- Transform hardcoded constants in interest rate model into variables configured per asset.
- Restructure storage of asset data on-chain to avoid duplicate storage of asset class.
- Rewrite LTV calculation and synchronize implementations between on-chain and off-chain.
- Optimize cumulative interest rate calculation to reduce execution units.
- Replace non-zero guarantee by positive guarantee when asserting outputs to avoid value normalization.
- Optimize value checker for account outputs.
Off-chain and Testing:
- Implement off-chain to support users repaying or withdrawing all token amounts per request.
- Implement supply and borrow cap check for batching transaction.
- Calculate the minimum Ada UTXO value according to the datum and value when building transaction updating manager and oracle UTXO.
- Improve shutdown handling for services to better handle SIGTERM.
- Implement off-chain API to build liquidation transaction.
- Regroup APIs to avoid confusion.
- Replace query param with capture for account status API and make hard-coded host in lending API docs configurable.
- Implement mock API for oracle to query simulated asset prices.
- Configure stake keys for account and pool contracts to stake locked Ada tokens.
- Add erase-cabal-cache docker to clear corrupted cache.
- Write integration tests for oracle service.
- Write unit tests for liquidation logic on-chain.
- Implementation of wallet creation with web3auth.
- Backend API specification for historical transactions and asset values with mock up responses.
- FE integration work with landing and borrowing smart contract on Cardano.
Read more from the Dev Diary series here!