MELD Joins Forces with World Mobile

Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2021

MELD and World Mobile are partnering to empower customers to experience decentralized finance and economic freedom.

This collaboration builds on a shared set of values to empower individuals to regain financial control by providing them with the tools and services they need to manage their money on their terms. While World Mobile is bringing critical connectivity to Africa, MELD is working towards banking the unbanked. These two visions come together in this partnership to plot a course for a future society.

This exciting new partnership with World Mobile, also built on Cardano, provides us access to an entirely new customer base allowing us to deliver decentralized financial (DeFi) services to those who couldn’t access them before, creating better, more affordable access to digital banking, micro-loans, and financial freedom.

Additionally, we will be working closely with World Mobile to create financial instruments that make it easier to purchase and deploy World Mobile infrastructure and services. We are honored to be able to participate in World Mobile’s sharing economy and we see a bright future through the world together.

Joining the technology stack of the World Mobile ecosystem opens the door to new services and offerings for the World Mobile user base further empowering the individual and their financial freedom. Not only will people gain access to the internet in places they couldn’t get before, but they will also now be able to access financial services in places they couldn’t get before!

World Mobile

Of the 1.3 billion inhabitants of the African continent, more than 700 million people cannot access internet services. World Mobile makes use of Cardano technology to provide Internet access to those who can’t get it and is building the infrastructure required to provide these people with the internet they need, with Africa being their first target location. By MELDing together with World Mobile, their customers will gain access to dCommerce, micro-loans, DeFi, dCommunication, and dCompute.

Micky Watkins, CEO of World Mobile, highlighted the mission of the organization is to:

“Build a network based on a new relationship between people and connectivity in which ownership, governance, and identity work to empower the user and make access available to all in a sustainable way.”

Similar Values

“This crossover of DeFi, connectivity and a sharing economy will enable MELD to realize several of our goals and help support World Mobile to achieve theirs.”

— Hai Nguyen Quang, MELD Co-Founder & CEO

Here’s what Alan Omnet, World Mobile COO had to say about the partnership,

“Our partnership with MELD is an important piece of the World Mobile ecosystem and technology stack. We’re excited to work together to deliver decentralized finance in order to bank the unbanked.”

The Future

Together World Mobile and MELD hope to create better access to the internet, decentralized banking, micro-loans, and in general to empower economic freedom for all.

It’s exciting partnering with such an ambitious project that shares the same degree of passion and innovation for connecting the unconnected and banking the unbanked. Can’t wait to see how the next few years unravel working with World Mobile. The future’s looking bright!

Let’s start building!

To learn more, read World Mobile Chain’s Whitepaper or visit World Mobile

Stay Tuned — MELD

We think it’s essential for everyone to gain control of their financial lives and have equal access to financial instruments used by professionals, not just centralized institutions, governments, or the 1%. We want to provide financial freedom and control to the masses, including the unbanked.

We have a long-term goal to enable the $15 trillion that is currently locked out of the global economy, including 2 billion individuals worldwide that are either underbanked or have no access to banking services whatsoever, access to these tools. These are the people that are paying the highest fees, getting the worst customer service, and they are the ones that are having the most problems.

Our vision is to create an ecosystem that empowers individuals to regain financial control by providing them with the tools and services they need to manage their money on their terms. Whether that be creating a collateralized debt position (CDP) with cryptocurrency, earning an interest return for lending fiat to borrowers, or even participating in reward incentive programs, we strive to provide our users with the functions they need to manage their own financial lives.

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