MELD Plants 175,000 Trees in Support of the Global Impact Challenge with Veritree

The numbers have come in — we’re planting a forest!! 🥳️🌲🌲

3 min readJan 5, 2022


Veritree matches each ada donated by MELD!

For those of you who were unaware, any extra $ada rewards gained after the end of the MELD ISPO were donated to Veritree — in support of the Cardano Global Impact Challenge. 🌲 🌲
Read more 👉 MELD ISPO IS OVER 🏁

We will be planting 175,000 trees! 🤯

Thank you all for those who willingly kept your $ada in the MELD stake pools after the end of the MELD ISPO to support this effort!

We managed to raise 86,693 $ada from the $ada left in the MELD stake pools. We decided to donate an additional 807 $ada to make it a clean $87,500 donation and Veritree matched our $ada donated, meaning…

We will be planting 175,000 trees! 🎉🥳️🌲🌲

About Veritree

Veritree is a technology developed to bring transparency and accountability to global restoration through technology, generating high-integrity investment solutions for their partners to feel confident investing in restoration solutions to contribute to the net-zero transition. Veritree’s goal is to plant 1 billion+ trees by 2030 collectively amongst their partners.

What Veritree has done with the Cardano stake pools is amazing to see and be a part of — realizing their mission of being able to incorporate Nature-Based Solutions into any business model.

It is amazing that we could contribute alongside the Greater Cardano ecosystem and plant this many trees together. 🤗🌲🌲💞
The ISPO model for fundraising initiatives is an amazing thing for the ecosystem, businesses, and with more companies like Veritree, the world!

MELD — Be Your Own Bank

We think it’s essential for everyone to gain control of their financial lives and have equal access to financial instruments used by professionals, not just centralized institutions, governments, or the 1%. We want to provide financial freedom and control to the masses, including the unbanked.

We have a long-term goal to enable the $15 trillion that is currently locked out of the global economy, including 2 billion individuals worldwide that are either underbanked or have no access to banking services whatsoever, access to these tools. These are the people that are paying the highest fees, getting the worst customer service, and they are the ones that are having the most problems.

Our vision is to create an ecosystem that empowers individuals to regain financial control by providing them with the tools and services they need to manage their money on their terms. Whether that be creating a collateralized debt position (CDP) with cryptocurrency, earning an interest return for lending fiat to borrowers, or even participating in reward incentive programs, we strive to provide our users with the functions they need to manage their own financial lives.

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