Organising and tracking visa documents with Melimundo

Gemma Black
Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2024

Through my visa application, I had wonderful lawyers.

Without them, applying to get a Spanish visa from within Spain would have been near impossible.

There were so many documents to gather.

  • They needed to be stamped, written and signed within a certain timeframe before the submitting the application.
  • Some needed apostilling.
  • Most needed translating.
  • Some translations required sworn translations; others, merely professional or self translations.

Now the Spanish consular services have done a great job outlining what you need to collect, and my lawyers also gave me the exact list of documents I needed to compile, but still, when I started, I immediately realised I needed to keep track. I know my lawyers must have had their system but I needed mine.

So I created a spreadsheet. Here’s what I created when I was collecting my visa documents to apply for the Spanish Digital Nomad Visa.

I tracked each stage I needed to go through for each document. It was super helpful to know what was done, and what needed doing.

Creating an application

Eventually, I built a very basic application to do just this, to help others organise their visa documents.

At the moment, it’s very barebones and super simple in terms of functionality. But I’ll slowly be adding features:

  • Managing time limits and deadlines
  • Using pre-built templates
  • Adding dependents such as family members too.

Melimundo is free to use and is undergoing lots of development at the moment. So hopefully you’ll see additional features soon but you can request features here too.

Pre-built visa documents template for UK employees applying for the Spain Digital Nomad Visa

If you’re an employee, not self-employed, there’s already a pre-built template you can use on

The benefit being, as an employee, I was able to use the A1 National Insurance certificate so that I could continue paying national insurance in the UK rather than my company having to set up social security in Spain or go through an EOR service.

Is Melimundo free?

Currently, anyone can use Melimundo for free as an applicant.

Can you apply for a visa through Melimundo?

No. It’s advisable to seek legal advice if you want to get the best results for when applying for a visa. Melimundo is to help track and organise your documents, not replace immigration specialists.

Is it ready to use?

Yes. Visit to start using it for your documents.



Gemma Black

Chocolate-, brownie-, coding-, peace-loving, city girl who loves both nature and tech.