From Struggle to Success: A Cross-Team Project Journey

Yoni Adir
Melio’s R&D blog
5 min readJan 17, 2024


Cross-team projects can sometimes feel like stepping into a foreign land, especially when you need to work with a repository built by another team. Whether it’s an SDK (software development kit), infrastructure, or any other tool, the struggle is real. But fear not, with the right approach, you can turn this challenge into a story of camaraderie and triumph.

Onboarding process

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Before diving headfirst into the project, take a moment to prepare yourself for the adventure ahead. Onboarding is the key — not only to understand the context but also to keep your spirits high. Schedule a meeting with a representative from the team that built the SDK and dive into the documentation.

To ensure a smooth onboarding process, create an MVP (or a POC) plan and identify the essential features you need. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be better prepared to face any challenge that comes your way.

As you begin your journey, picture yourself as a carpenter about to craft a masterpiece. Embrace the tools and knowledge shared by the other team as the pile of wood waiting to be transformed into something extraordinary.

Setup your environment

Photo by Nathan Riley on Unsplash

As you gear up to start coding, pause for a moment. Are you fully prepared? Double-check your development and staging environments, ensuring all settings are correct. Verify that you have all the necessary environment configurations and IDE extensions installed. Missing environment configurations or essential tools can lead to frustration down the road.

Each team works with its own set of tools and workflows. Embrace the opportunity to learn and adapt. If you find yourself struggling with the setup, reach out to a teammate who can share some useful IDE extensions, tips, and tricks to enhance your development experience.

The setup phase can feel like a comedy of errors. It’s like getting lost in a new neighborhood, trying to find your way back home. But remember, every misstep is a chance to learn and grow. Each obstacle you overcome will make you more adept at handling future challenges.

Struggles along the way

Photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash

Despite your best preparations, expect to face some hurdles during the setup. Document these challenges, both for your future reference and to help others. Adding a Q&A file or updating the project documentation can save time for everyone involved.

Picture yourself taking the first steps of a baby learning to walk. You stumble and fall, but with each attempt, you gain more stability. The struggles you encounter might be unique to you, but they could be common roadblocks for others too. By sharing your experiences, you contribute to the collective knowledge of the team.

Moreover, you might find innovative ways to use the existing tools, leading to the need for new features and functionalities. Embrace these discoveries and contribute to the SDK’s growth.

Collaborate with the other team — remember that you both work at the same company, and your shared goal is the project success. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, seek advice, and accept constructive feedback. A designated go-to person can steer you in the right direction or connect you with others who can assist.

Consider creating a shared Slack channel to foster collaboration. Attending their daily meetings can keep you in sync with their ongoing developments and present an opportunity to share your progress and challenges. Communication is the key to success!

Learning curve

Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash

Embrace the learning curve as an opportunity to level up your skills. When stuck, try to solve problems on your own, whether through reverse engineering or thorough code exploration. Open-source contributions can be valuable experiences; just ensure you follow Clean Code principles, add tests, and maintain clear, self-explanatory code. Contributing your input to the SDK’s documentation can make you a hero in the eyes of others.

Welcome code reviews as opportunities for growth. If something isn’t clear, ask for explanations. Embrace code reviews as coaching sessions — a chance to learn from professional peers.

Debug, debug, debug! code is written once and read a thousand times, that’s a great way to understand the code and how it works.


Photo by Parabol | The Agile Meeting Toolbox on Unsplash

Retrospective meetings are powerful tools for drawing insights during and after development. Share experiences, learn from mistakes, and adapt your workflow accordingly. Iteratively improve your team’s collaboration and integration strategies.

Retrospective meetings give you the chance to review your process, identify areas for improvement, and fine-tune the way you work. By implementing lessons learned, you can optimize future teamwork.

Final product

Photo by Tahlia Doyle on Unsplash

Congratulations! You’ve come a long way, overcoming hurdles, making connections, and accumulating knowledge. Be a source of inspiration and knowledge for others in the organization. Consider establishing a club where you can share insights and collectively solve problems.

Think of yourself as a coach, guiding others on their journey through cross-team projects. Share your experiences, celebrate victories, and strategize for future challenges.

Integrating with a different team isn’t always easy, but embracing the journey’s humor and challenges can lead to remarkable outcomes. Comedy and triumph often go hand in hand.

In conclusion, embrace the challenges, learn from the experiences, and find the joy in collaboration!

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