Melissa Miles McCarter
Melissa Miles McCarter
2 min readApr 8, 2021

I miss the element of surprise on Medium.

Yes, I like that the people I follow are who I see on my Medium app. It’s showing me a few I really like. I like reading every word of theirs when their new work comes out.

But, I’m not getting anything else. Just the same ten people over and over again. I love y’all but I need more!

There’s no new writers. The way I found the writers I follow was by being randomly introduced to them by Medium. How am I going to find the cool new writers seeking an audience this way?

Unfortunately, this means my following is stagnant as well. Now, the way this app functions, the only means to grow my audience is to draw people from other places to Medium. Or, hoping that readers who aren’t following me already will find me through publications they read.

No wonder my readership is down. My following probably is actually shrinking, even though the numbers seem stable. Simply because readers are getting fatigue seeing the same thing every time they open the app.

The same is true of the publication I edit, Pop Off. Here’s a visual: the stats from the last 90 days.

My poor writers. Especially my new ones. They think the last month is normal. It’s not. At least not for Pop Off.

I know some Medium writers are okay. Like Holly Bradshaw, who is actually having the best…

