Melon protocol upgrade to v1.1.0

Melon Council
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2020

The Melon Council is pleased to announce that it has performed the first full protocol upgrade. The protocol upgrade was enacted by the DAO on February 20th, 2020 at block height #9527235 (see vote).

What is new in v1.1.0?

This upgrade is mostly about bug fixes and general code improvements. The new features are:

  • Melon funds are now able to trade on Uniswap and 0x v3 (in addition to the existing integrations with OasisDex, Kyber Network and 0x v2).
  • Funds are now able to add exchanges post fund creation.
  • The asset universe was expanded. The new asset universe is: WETH, MLN, MKR, WBTC, KNC, REP, ZRX, BAT, DAI, USDC, ANT, SAI, LINK, REN, MANA and RLC.
  • In order to facilitate the deployment of a fund by a DAO, the fund setup process can now be initiated by a DAO and continued by anyone else. As fund creation is a 9 step process at the moment (we are working at reducing those steps!), this change allows a DAO to only vote on one transaction, and any other account can call the remaining functions.

Upgrades are 100% opt-in, which means that any manager with a fund on previous versions is strongly advised to deploy a new fund on the latest version. The upgrade performed by the DAO is the update of the ENS subdomains that point to the latest official contracts:

Full release notes are available here. The upgrade was audited by G0 group.

This protocol upgrade comes with a new interface developed by Avantgarde Finance.

Melon Council DAO

