15 Podcasts for designers good at multitasking (or just feel like listening to something)

Natacha Oliveira
Published in
5 min readAug 24, 2023
Photo by Jukka Aalho on Unsplash

Every designer has days where work doesn’t feel as exciting or administrative tasks need to happen. When I have those days, I enjoy putting on a great podcast to learn something or reflect on a new subject.

This list is a compilation of some of my favorites, recent finds, and other sources that I already know and talked about in the past, who turned their content towards this format.

It was compiled randomly and not in order of preference, but you will probably be able to identify my favorites.

Let me know if you already know these podcasts, which one is your favorite, and please suggest more.

The Futur

We’ve talked about The Futur before. It was founded by Chris Do to teach one billion people how to reach their goals and do what they love.

Business, strategy, marketing, and behind-the-scenes are some subjects you can find on the 200+ episodes.

Design Better

Like the previous example, Invision — the company that owns this podcast — has also been featured on Melted in the past.

Co-hosted by Eli Woolery and Aarron Walter, received awards and appraisals from publications like Vanity Fair. It delves into innovation, design, and collaboration with huge names from the industry.

The Unmistakable Creative

Meant to inspire and unlock the creativity that each one of us carries, this podcast will make you feel better and motivate you to keep going.

With over a thousand episodes and interviewees from several industries, it offers a refreshing approach to creativity and living creatively.

The Follow-up by Brand New

I was a daily visitor to the Brand New website but stopped once it became a paid membership. Not that the membership would break the bank, but I don’t see value in it. As a result, I can’t listen to it, but it seems to provide a behind-the-scenes of some of the iconic rebrands featured on their website.

Per Our Last Email

Arabela Espinoza and Elle Mitchell, co-owners of Weekend Creative Studio, had the idea for this podcast over coffee with Anna McNaught. They shared some interesting stories about freelancing and decided it would be great to let people know that even successful professionals have experienced similar situations.

Besides feeling like relaxing with friends over some drinks, you can also submit and share your story with them and their listeners.

Creative Pep Talk

Every week you can sit back and listen to Andy J. Pizza, New York Times best-selling author and illustrator pep talk you out of your own head and engage on some important subjects with guests.

Also, if you love illustration, each episode cover is a little treasure to appreciate.


Sadly, this podcast is on pause, but there are a lot of episodes to hear.

From the Los Angeles agency with the same name, this podcast invites renowned professionals and artists to talk about their careers, passions, and advice they’ve learned along their career paths.

The Angry Designer

I found out about this podcast from two designers whose work I admire and whom I follow on social media, James Martin and James Barnard. I wasn’t disappointed.

Massimo Zefferino and Shawn Carlisle, make sure you know there will be no sugar coating on the podcast, and they will tell their piece of mind. I find it hilarious.

Courier Workshop

I first discovered (and bought) a copy of Courier while traveling 5 years ago. Since then, I subscribed to the newsletter and keep an eye out for their magazine and books.

The podcast is jam-packed with information on founders’ stories and businesses and is an extension of the newsletter.

There are 12 episodes out, so you can still catch up quickly.

99% Invisible

This is a jam of a podcast and a source I have used for years.

Roman Mars, the host, dives into everyday subjects that no one else does. 99% Invisible is about design but also so much more than that. Some episodes inspired blog posts here on Melted and fueled my mind with new ideas.

Design Matters

It was the first-ever podcast about design. It started in 2005 and is still going strong.

Debbie Miller, a huge name in the design industry, talks to designers and everyone else who can bring invaluable insights to listeners.

Massimo Vignelli, Milton Glaser, and Barbara Kruger are some of the past interviewees on the Design Matters website.

The Design of Business | The Business of Design

Like it or not, design is also a business with many nuances.

This podcast offers a view on both sides of the fence: the designer and the client. It can feel like a more business and formal podcast, but it makes it interesting.

Never Not Creative

This podcast is a game-changer.

Compelled to romanticize what we do and the profession we opt for, we ignore our mental health and everything we carry deep inside.

This podcast, unlike others, focuses on those unspoken/taboo topics.

The Creative Boom

Creative Boom decided to jump on the podcast train a few years ago. Since then, they have interviewed almost 100 professionals from different backgrounds and touched on subjects such as artistic freedom, meaningful work, side projects, and more.

Do Good

The world has been on fire. There is awful news about the economy, the environment, politics, and human rights thrown out the window constantly.

To have a podcast that focuses on the good side of life is a change of pace and one I can pretty much appreciate.

Extra gems if you know or understand Portuguese

We Blog You (In Portuguese from Portugal)

This podcast is my guilty pleasure. Not because I am ashamed of listening to it, but because I genuinely feel like intruding on the conversation of two long-time friends who got together for a coffee.

Fred and Raquel co-own a Portuguese design studio named We Blog You. They share their thoughts on the industry, everyday struggles, and funny stories.

If you know Portuguese and want to feel warm (and happy) inside, follow their podcast and Instagram account.

RotuCast (In Portuguese from Brazil)

Another Portuguese jam, this time from the other side of the world.

RotuCast is about packaging and the packaging industry in Brazil. From the award winner designers Priscylla Nunes and Barbara Rodrigues, it was born after their online packaging course Rotulando and its tremendous impact and success.

Listen if you want to get a lot of knowledge and even more laughs!



Natacha Oliveira

Independent Designer. Pancake lover. Proud owner of two sassy cats and don Gata Studio 🤓🐾