7 design quizzes that don’t prove anything about you but are super fun to do

Natacha Oliveira
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2021

How many times did you find yourself lost in Internet traps, taking quizzes that can tell your zodiac sign by your pizza choices? Then you take another one and another one, and before you realized you’ve spent too much time doing these quizzes to see if you find something new about your cat’s personality, wrong life choices, and which character would you be in Star Wars. So why not add design quizzes to the list next time?

From real challenging and educative quizzes to just for fun, these seven design quizzes will keep you engaged and entertained when you feel like taking a KitKat break.

Do you think you’ve got a designer’s eye?

Every designer ends up with trained eyes from aligning shapes on the screen all day. But how good are we at telling if a point is perfectly center to a shape?This quiz is super addictive and a real challenge.

How Much Do You Know About Graphic Design?

This quiz feels like you’re back at school again. You know, that first day when a teacher tells the class that he wants to test everyone’s general knowledge on graphic design.
You feel pretty confident in your abilities and knowledge until you start hearing all the questions and wonder if you will fail miserably.

Can You Pass a Graphic Design Certificate Exam?

Another quiz that makes you wonder if you know enough about design or if you should devote your life to being a cat sitter.

I’m not sure I would pass a true certificate exam but this one was interesting to test my knowledge of color, design principles, and generic rules.

What Font Are You?

There’s no rhyme or reason for trying this one other than pure curiosity and fun.
The questions are random but somehow connected to your personality and in the end, you will probably don’t get the result you were expecting (aka Helvetica).

What’s the Difference Between a Font and a Typeface?

Are you one of those designers that masters type like a fundamental skill of your job or do you get by with some tips and tricks?
Find out how much you know about typography with this AIGA quiz.

Creative Types

I’ve taken this one more than once just so I could see the transitions between questions. It’s visually engaging which makes it even more enticing to get to the end of it. Plus, deep down you feel like you will trick the quiz to give a result on an opposite spectrum of your personality.

User-Experience Quiz: 2020 UX Year in Review

I’m not embarrassed to admit, this quiz makes me want to study more about UX on their latest blog posts. Created by the Nielsen Norman Group, it evaluates how much do you know about technical features, new studies, and best practices.

Did you know or have you already tried any of these quizzes? Share your results and let me know what else is out there design-related.
Also, if you’re into games, check out this other post.



Natacha Oliveira

Independent Designer. Pancake lover. Proud owner of two sassy cats and don Gata Studio 🤓🐾