Get Well By How You Think

Stephen C. Willis
MeMakeMistake Greetings
2 min readMar 8, 2016

Have you ever been watching the news channel and came across a story that turned your stomach to the limit and you had to turn the channel? The media is notorious for highlighting negative stories more than positive and pushing that garbage onto anyone who has a TV. Having that negative influence on your mind can eventually affect your physical body and cause you to become sick if you let it.

It is not the media that necessarily makes you sick, but you thinking over and over again those negative thoughts. Whether you know it or not, what thoughts you feed your mind will manifest in some way down the road when you least expect it. That manifestation could be your physical and emotional health.

Here are four tips you can practice helping you get well when you are down.

1. Remove Yourself From The Noise

There is enough racket from the start of the morning until the end of the day. Howbeit the radio, company meetings, and TV take up our hours, we need to dedicate at least 10 minutes per day where there is pure quiet so we can hear and understand our own thoughts.

2. Find Out Where The Source Originated

Although one’s immune system condition could be the cause of being under the weather, sometimes one could be stressed out because of thinking bad thoughts. Pinpoint where those thoughts are coming from and replace those bad thoughts with good thoughts.

3. Change How You React To External Influences

Furthermore, we cannot control what other people do or say. All we can do is choose how we react to the situation. When the mess hits the fan, we can let it fall while we hold our head up high and think positive.

4. Have A Consistent Foundation of Encouragement

Most people believe in something bigger than themselves. This could be religious activities, personal endeavors, or just surrounding yourself with friends and family who care. Whatever the foundation might be, feed your spirit with good and healing.

In Conclusion

Our thoughts eventually become our actions and we need to be aware of what we are thinking and how those thoughts affect us. If we stay in tune to our emotions, we can have an indicator of our well-being and stay well before we have to get well.


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