Simpler Times: If I Had My Way

Stephen C. Willis
MeMakeMistake Greetings


If I had my way we would live in simpler times where the clocks would be made of wood and brass. The books would be leather bound and hand press printed. People would congregate on the country porch and sing songs. Traditions would be kept and held close to the heart. There would be a high standard of the academia taught. People would be courteous and help others.

If I had my way the original Coca-Cola would be sold in Hutchinson glass bottles. Children and teenagers would be raised right. A nuclear family would just be called family. People would work hard for a living and respect that way of life. Entitlement would not exist. Space would just be a mystery and all we would know is the scenery above. Divorce would not exist because commitment would mean something through thick or thin. Every person would have at least one talent they would use to better the world.

If I had my way each person would have some property to their name. A legacy would mean something and be carried on and survive. People would learn from the mistakes in history. Everyone would have a code of honor. There would only be wrong and right instead of hiding in the gray, if I had my way.

Stephen C. Willis is the founder of MeMakeMistake — fix any mistake and send all types of digital greetings (launching Summer 2016).
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