An Affluent Irvine Couple’s Elaborate Scheme to Frame a PTA President of Drug Possession

True Crime Lounge
Memento Mori Desk
Published in
4 min readApr 8, 2024


In the meticulously manicured community of Irvine, California, a scandal erupted that seemed more befitting of a dramatic legal thriller than the reality of suburban schoolyard disputes. This narrative involves Jill and Kent Easter, a seemingly accomplished and well-educated couple, both holding law degrees from prestigious universities — Jill from Berkeley and Kent from UCLA. They were parents involved in a vendetta against Kelli Peters, a dedicated PTA mom and volunteer at Plaza Vista Elementary School, stemming from a misunderstanding that escalated into a full-blown legal drama.

Kent and Jill Easter

The Catalyst for Contempt

The incident that lit the fuse of this conflict was over something seemingly trivial. Jill Easter, upset that her son was not immediately available for pickup after a tennis lesson, accused Kelli Peters of negligence. Peters attempted to explain the situation, saying, “He didn’t line up fast enough. Maybe he just walked slow”. However, the Easters interpreted Peters’ comment as a derogatory remark about their son’s intelligence, with Jill Easter reportedly yelling, “I will get you”. While Peters had merely commented on the child’s pace, not his intellectual capabilities. Despite Peters’ affection for the Easter child, whom she saw as a quiet…

