Friends with Benefits to Committed Relationship: Quiz

Finley Loving Empath
Memento Mori Desk
Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2024


Friends with Benefits to Committed Relationship: Quiz

Question 1: Communication and Understanding

  • Do you and your friend with benefits openly communicate about your feelings and expectations in the relationship?
  • A) Yes, we have had open discussions about our feelings and where we see the relationship going.
  • B) We haven’t had a chance to discuss our feelings and expectations yet.

Question 2: Spending Time Together

  • How often do you and your friend with benefits spend time together outside of a physical relationship?
  • A) We regularly spend time together doing activities that don’t involve intimacy.
  • B) We mainly meet for physical intimacy and don’t spend much time together outside of that.

Question 3: Emotional Connection

  • Do you feel an emotional connection with your friend with benefits?
  • A) Yes, I feel a strong emotional connection with them.
  • B) I view our relationship as purely physical without much emotional connection.

Question 4: Introducing to Friends and Family

  • Have you introduced your friend with…



Finley Loving Empath
Memento Mori Desk

I have an innate ability to connect deeply with others' emotions. Tarot Reader, Blogger, Writer