Lion’s Gate Portal 2024: What to Expect

Finley Loving Empath
Memento Mori Desk
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2024

The Lion’s Gate Portal, particularly on August 8, is a significant astrological event associated with manifestation and considered by many as the marker of a new year for resolutions and goals. As the Sun in Leo aligns with the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt, and Earth, it brings about a powerful moment for manifestation, heralding wealth, abundance, fortune, and fame.

Lion’s Gate Portal 2024: What to Expect

Significance of the Lion’s Gate Portal

Spiritual Alignment

  • The Lion’s Gate Portal signifies the alignment of the Sun in Leo with significant celestial bodies, including Sirius, which is considered a spiritual sun associated with wealth, abundance, and fertility.
  • It is regarded as an excellent time for manifestation due to the auspicious alignment with Sirius, providing an opportunity to manifest dreams into reality.

Manifestation Guide

  • The Lion’s Gate Portal offers a unique opportunity for manifestation, with practices including aligning with positive energy, focusing on celestial bodies, speaking manifestations aloud, and using yellow crystals and botanicals for rituals.

What to Expect During Lion’s Gate 2024

  • The Lion’s Gate Portal technically runs for two weeks, opening in late July and closing in mid-August, with the pinnacle on August 8.
  • This date is known as the galactic new year, making it an ideal time for setting intentions, resolutions, and goals for the coming year.

For a more in-depth Lion’s Gate Portal Reading:


The Lion’s Gate Portal presents a powerful moment for manifestation, aligning with the abundant and new energies of the universe. By understanding the significance of this astrological event and following the suggested manifestation practices, individuals can harness this unique opportunity to manifest their dreams into reality during Lion’s Gate 2024.

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Finley Loving Empath
Memento Mori Desk

I have an innate ability to connect deeply with others' emotions. Tarot Reader, Blogger, Writer