What’s New in Memento Database 5.4.0

Vasya Egorov
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2024

Memento Database, the versatile and powerful data management app for Android, has just released its latest version 5.4.0. This update brings a host of exciting new features that will make organizing and visualizing your data easier and more intuitive than ever before.

Linked Tree View: Navigate Your Data with Ease

One of the most impressive additions to Memento Database 5.4.0 is the Linked Tree View. This feature allows you to effortlessly explore interconnected entries from various libraries within a unified tree view interface, all on a single screen. This option is available if your library has connections via Link to Entry fields with other libraries.

How it works:

- Access the Linked Tree View by going to the library menu > view > Linked Tree

- You can choose which connections to display at any time by navigating to: library menu > 3-dots after view menu item > libraries. This selection feature is particularly useful if your library has multiple connections, allowing you to focus on the most relevant relationships

Why it’s useful:

The Linked Tree View is perfect for users who work with complex, interrelated data. For example, if you’re managing a project with tasks, subtasks, and team members, you can now visualize the entire hierarchy in one place. This makes it easier to understand relationships between different data points and navigate through your information quickly.

Enhanced Visualization with Colorized Fields

Memento Database 5.4.0 introduces a powerful new way to visualize your data through colorized fields. Now you can dynamically color-code field values in both entry lists and entry view cards based on specific rules and values.

How to set it up:

1. Go to Edit field > Colorize field value

2. Choose to colorize text or background

3. By default, colors are assigned randomly. However, you can set up specific rules to determine colors based on field values.

Practical example:

Imagine you’re tracking your daily water intake. You could set up a rule to display the number of glasses in green if you’ve met your daily goal, yellow if you’re close, and red if you’re far behind. This visual cue makes it easy to quickly assess your progress at a glance.

AI-Driven Photo Analysis for Entry Creation and Editing

This exciting new feature harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help you create and edit entries using photo analysis.

How it works:

Simply take a photo or upload an existing one, and the AI will analyze it to populate relevant fields in your entry.

Practical example:

Let’s say you’re building a plant database. You can take a photo of a plant, and the AI will identify the species, filling in fields like plant name, family, and care instructions automatically. This saves time and ensures accuracy in your data entry process.

Advanced Features for Scripting Enthusiasts

For users who leverage Memento Database’s scripting capabilities, version 5.4.0 introduces two powerful new features:

Scheduled Trigger Events:

You can now automate processes by scheduling triggers to execute at predetermined times using the new At scheduled time trigger event in JavaScript.

Create Android Notifications via Scripts:

The new notification() method allows you to create Android notifications directly through scripts.

Practical example:

Combine these features to set up a reminder system. You could create a script that runs every morning at 8 AM, checks your task list for the day, and sends you a notification with your top priorities.

Here’s a short example of how to use the notification() method:

.title("Daily Tasks Reminder")
.text("You have 3 high-priority tasks today")
.bigText("1. Complete project proposal\n2. Call client\n3. Team meeting at 2 PM")

Tip: For the smallIcon parameter, you need to provide an icon code. You can easily select an icon and have its code inserted into your script by clicking the + button in the script editor and choosing Icon name.

For more detailed information on the notification() method and other scripting features, please refer to the Memento Database JavaScript Library documentation in the wiki: Memento JavaScript Library — Object Notification

We encourage you to explore these new features and see how they can streamline your data management processes.

