A meme about Google controlling what you read?

Fred Showker
Memes of Note
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2023

Now we all know that Google claims it did NOT interfere in the 2020 or 2024 elections. They’ve told us repeatedly that they do not censor content. They even testified, under oath, in Congress to that effect.

The above MEME clearly illustrates through screens that the website and the specific article that was searched for DOES INDEED EXIST, but Google tells us it does not exist. Yet, there they were. How do you explain that?

So, the big question is how many other sites and documents does Google block from readers on a regular basis? How many “disappeared” documents online contributed to the 2020 election results? Did Twitter do the same thing? Did Twitter block conservative content?

Hmmmmmm … sometimes a good MEME sends a thousand words!

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We’ve now seen they may be right. If it’s not on Google, it doesn’t exist.



Fred Showker
Memes of Note

Design, Typography & Graphics Magazine and 60-Seconds exploring technology since 1987