Oak Recommends: “Fucking Crazy” by Robert Ellis

Oak Ayling
Memoir Mixtapes
Published in
2 min readDec 4, 2018

Robert Ellis, recently rebranded as the Texas Piano Man, has announced a new album, due for release February 14th 2019 (a valentines gift Everyone is sure to want!)

Why is this exciting you might ask? Well, in answer to that question, I would point you immediately to this man’s back catalogue!

Robert Ellis, whose musical capabilities and knowlege is astounding (not to mention the man’s dress sense, but I digress), has dazzled with songs from his solo releases like; California, Drivin’, TV Song, Chemical Plant and Photographs. And incredible side projects with other artists producing unforgettable albums like “Western Movies” by Traveller (a ‘super-band’ formed in collaboration with Cory Chisel & Jonny Fritz) and “Dear John” an album of duets with Courtney Hartman; this man has revealed himself to the world as a true musical wizard!

If his track record were not enough, then this new song, paired with a Natural-Born-Killers -esque music video and delightfully tongue-in-cheek website, should be enough to charm any music lover.

Ellis, suited and booted in a white tuxedo & suave matching cowboy hat, is ready to serenade you again and again from the surreal seat of a discarded piano somewhere out in the desert. Get ready to watch as He straddles the song’s title and takes his sweet time in expanding upon it’s full meaning; which appears to be, that in a world absolutely bursting with conflict, the best course of action might just be to fall recklessly and madly in love!

Please afford yourself a good laugh and gain a new ear worm today with this song! (Perhaps with earphones in if you live/work with those of a sensitive disposition)

