Oak Recommends: ‘Good Kisser’ by Lake Street Dive

Oak Ayling
Memoir Mixtapes
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2019

Here comes 2019! You ready?

The holidays for many are bitter-sweet, particularly New Year’s celebrations; as we look toward the future breaching the horizon, promising bountiful opportunities for a better life, we may also find ourselves reflecting on the doors closing behind us.

Did the job not pan out? Did they leave? Was your heart broken? Has it just been relentlessly tough?

So many of us are lured into mulling over our losses and laments and consequently carry the weight of them across the threshold with us. No Bueno, my friend. No Bueno.

But you know what? You do not need to shed any more tears for the year that has passed. You do not need to call it quits on your dreams. You do not need to hobble into the new year defeated.

And News Flash: You do not need someone to kiss at midnight!

Here to reinforce this message of emboldened positivity & offer you an unapologetic power ballad to kick off this — the next fantastic year of your life — is the incomparable Lake Street Dive!

This “Pop-Soul with Rock&Roll” band never miss! Whether they’re firing out a soulful break-up song like, “Musta Been Somethin” or “I Can Change,” or a spunky, carefree banger like, “Side Pony” or “Can’t Stop,” their flawless combination of groovy, honest and unquestionably cool makes every album an absolute non-stop, hands-in-the-air, rollercoaster ride.

So right now, stop everything you’re doing, especially if it’s slipping slowly into seasonal depression, and wrap your ears around this dazzling F.U. anthem!

No kiss at midnight this time around? Who cares! Tell ‘em I’m a good kisser!

2019, we’re comin’ for ya!

