Individuality — Accepting yourself

Farha Salim
MEmoirs by Mind Empowered
3 min readApr 15, 2021

‘A magnificent world of seven billion people, a great number of diverse species, more miracles of life that unfold everyday before our eyes’ — would not be enough words to describe our beautiful home planet, thriving in diversity. With every little distinct form of life only adding to the beauty of things, why do we end up feeling repulsed by anything that is different from our perception of normal? At a time like this, when a lot of people are being attacked for not fitting into someone else’s version of normal, it is very important to educate people about the necessity to embrace differences.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

The struggle dates back to childhood. A large number of students are evaluated on the same basis, mostly judging only one of the hundred different talents each student might have. Perhaps the lack of knowledge about diversity, or just because they haven’t been taught to welcome differences, any deviation from what he/she usually sees, might cause rifts between children. All these reasons more or less contribute to our neglect of people who are different from us. Very often those that are labelled ‘different’ end up questioning themselves, trying very hard to fit in, and damaging their self confidence in the process. It is quite important to know that it isn’t necessary to fit in. Our differences are what make us unique. And we must acknowledge our uniqueness rather than thrashing ourselves up for not being like everyone else.

Most of us feel the silent pressure to pretend to be something we are not, living in the social media age, where we’re being constantly watched. The continuous taking in of people’s perceptions of perfection, and the numerous changing trends, creates an urge to copy them all. We begin to look at our differences like they are flaws, and start putting unnecessary effort and strain to conform with the rest. What do we all gain from hiding behind this façade though? Does lying about the reality of who we are make us feel better about ourselves? Isn’t that equivalent to closing our eyes, when the world outside is scenic and beautiful?

From a very early age, children should be taught that it is fine to be different. Let them know that if their abilities, looks, dreams, etc. do not go in alignment with what is expected from them by society, it is fine. If everyone in the whole world were good at just one thing, imagine how dull the world would get? It wouldn’t even just stop at dull. We would have missed out on so many wonderful opportunities to witness some marvels, and the greatest contributions to this world.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is high time to learn and educate to embrace individuality. We are in great need of an inclusive community. Once you learn to love yourself for who you are, the more you’ll learn to accept others. Let’s treat everyone with mutual respect!



Farha Salim
MEmoirs by Mind Empowered

A believer in listening to the unheard, finds happiness in being the voice of reason and justice, and wields the weapons of emotion and imagination.