Inner Peace: The First Priority

Farha Salim
MEmoirs by Mind Empowered
3 min readSep 1, 2021

Has the pandemic brought your busy lives to a standstill where you now have time to reflect on your actions and thoughts?

Ever felt that you had everything you needed, and more, but still felt miserable when things didn’t go as per plan?

Man has made great strides in knowledge and innovation. The more we know, the more we realize that there’s a lot more we do not know. We are mere mortals living in a mighty universe, the vast majority of which is still undiscovered and unknown. We cannot control the passage of time or the things that happen to us. The only things we do have control over are our actions and emotions. Attempting to control anything beyond that is pointless and would steal our inner peace. Sometimes the right way to go is accepting that there are things that cannot be altered, and learning to be at peace with them.

“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.”
― Brian Tracy

Inner Peace of mind
The process of acquiring Inner Peace is like a journey to a beautiful destination

When given a great deal of money, anyone would be careful to spend it wisely. We would take good care of the wealth and keep it safe from all possible threats. The hundred different types of successful insurance companies are proof. The human body and brain are nothing short of marvels. What could possibly be a greater treasure than them? If we can go to great lengths to safeguard a responsibility, or an amount of money, entrusted to us, why are we so reckless when it comes to protecting the greatest gift of all — our mind and body?

Man, being a social animal, cannot live his life in isolation. Compassion and connection are traits ingrained in us. Other people contribute to a huge part of our lives and emotions. But relying on others for our happiness and our high expectations from them, are bound to cause us grief when they are not met. We need to learn the art of establishing healthy boundaries from people and situations, just enough to protect our mental health and inner peace. There is no way we can satisfy everyone — so if we depend on people’s words of praise, we’ll end up in conflict at one point or the other. While it is important to socialize and connect, to empathize and be there for those in need, it is equally important to take care of ourselves.

We can have all the wealth and fame in the world, and everything we want, at our service, but still have a discontent life. Without being at peace with ourselves, it is quite hard to survive. This doesn’t mean that people who have acquired inner peace do not feel the highs and lows of life. They feel all emotions equally — be it sadness, anger, fear, love or happiness. However, they do not fixate on a circumstance or a person, and move on with their lives, grateful for what they have. We need to be mentally healthy, to do well in all fields of life. This is why acquiring a state of inner tranquility should be your first priority. Make peace with yourselves, and watch your life turn better!

Mind Empowered is an NGO aimed at spreading positivity, physical and mental health awareness and creating a safe space for the youth. Check the organization on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn. Register here for FREE for lifetime access to all Mind Empowered sessions, and get the links for the sessions and delivered to your email inbox.



Farha Salim
MEmoirs by Mind Empowered

A believer in listening to the unheard, finds happiness in being the voice of reason and justice, and wields the weapons of emotion and imagination.