Tips and Tricks to manage your Personal Finances

Shanida Salam
MEmoirs by Mind Empowered
2 min readAug 11, 2021

Do you often find yourself broke by the end of the month?

This is a result of poor money management. Although it’s only a piece of paper, if not managed well, it can cause some serious trouble.

Getting good at money management requires a lot of practice. You may find yourself lost and even fail at times, but with a little research and guidance, anyone can be good at money management. If you are someone struggling with making your ends meet, here are a few trips and tricks that will help you along the way.

girl manages personal finances practising money management
  1. Prioritize your needs.

Early adults of today are addicts to over consumption. One effective way to maintain a decent balance in your account is to understand the difference between “need” and “want”. Needs are things that are necessary to live, while wants are items that we may or may not necessarily need. It is important to understand that you have to prioritize your needs over your wants to be able to manage your money effectively.

2. Have a budget for every month.

Drawing a boundary for your expenses is the way to go. Taking time out of your day to make a budget plan once a month will help you understand your finances better. Ideally, you must divide your budget into four parts — needs, leisure, charity and savings. You can modify and change the budget model according to your own preference.

3. Regularly track your spending.

“Little drops of water, make a mighty ocean”. It’s the same with money. Small purchases here and there will lead to you spending a lot of money. Ensure that you regularly check up on your expenses and make sure you stay within your budget.

4. Look out for the best prices.

Make sure you keep a regular track of discounts, offers and coupons to pay the best price for your purchases. Such small practices can help you manage your money better.

Our main goal when managing finances must be to save money for all future uses. Make sure that you are not exhausted of money if there comes a situation that needs immediate attention.

This may include funds for any kind of emergency or money saved up for some leisure!

Successfully managing your money will change your life. It will give you a positive outlook and help you understand your finances and future plans a little better. It is a very giving journey and only good things will come out of it. At the end of the day, our ultimate goal must be to manage money in a way such that it complements both our present and future needs.

