Personal Development- A lifelong Commitment!

shahabana shana
MEmoirs by Mind Empowered
4 min readNov 21, 2021

Are you someone who made bad choices and ended up regretting them?

You are not alone! Everybody makes choices that might be bad for them or others. But we should never let these choices affect our future decisions.
After all, imperfection makes us human.

One of the best skills of humans is that they can learn and adapt. So, of all the worst decisions that we have made, we could identify the mistake and try to make things right (if possible) or we could try to change ourselves by learning from these mistakes.

Nobody in this world actually knows who we are from the inside, which makes each person unique. The only way to personal development is to identify who you are from within and to embrace it. People feel that personal development is something that should have a greater outcome or it should be something that leads to greater income. Even though that can be partly true, the constant worrying of results/outcome often inflicts on our behavior.

Self improvement does not necessarily have to be something that other people notice. But instead, it should be something that gives us a great sensation of achievement. It can be improving yourself in various aspects like social development, mental stability, intellectual, physical wellbeing, emotional handling, spiritual etc.

What do you think are your best skills? Where do you want to improve yourself?

“Change is inevitable, but personal growth is a choice.”

We have heard a lot of people talk about personal development and growth. But indulging these in real life is not that easy. Motivational talks and blogs always inspire us and we always think of doing something productive after this. But not for long, right?

Let me tell you what you are doing wrong first...

  • You might want to do something, but the idea of starting a new thing may freak you out sometime.
  • Other people knowing that you have chosen a new goal and other people’s judgment could have a negative impact.
  • The result you want from the goal you have set might seem very difficult which might feel “too much”.
  • The motivation that you felt at the beginning might fade away.
  • Neglecting the small achievements we have made can be a huge discouragement.

    First, we have to find a solution to whatever is bothering us. For that we could always do something like,
  • Find a partner who could have the same goal as you have or someone who can motivate you to do it (Possibly a friend, family etc.).
  • Keeping a role model or someone who could motivate us.
  • Rewarding ourselves for achieving even small accomplishments.
  • Keep a step by step procedure for each goal to be achieved

"Find the pace of your own journey!”

Even though it seems pretty difficult to keep up with the growth that you are planning to, let me tell you how you can be productive, develop good habits and also how you can continue doing it without dropping it midway.

Step 1: Finding your goals

By goals, You don’t have to find your one perfect job. It can be as simple as fixing your sleep routine or reducing screen time. If your goals are bigger ones, then go for the next steps.

Step 2: Breaking down of your goals

Sometimes when the task seems bigger, we tend to neglect it because we feel like this goal is too much or we might even skip and keep it for 'tomorrow' which apparently never happens. Even smaller goals could be split like for studying continuously for one hour, smaller goals could be -

*Finding a quiet room
*Keep distractions away
*Keep books and everything you need nearby
*Keep an alarm clock to set timer

Step 3: Planning

Here is where most of the people go wrong. Once we set the smaller goal, we feel like we are done with the planning phase. But in reality from there we have to make a list of what we will do each day to reach the final goal. You don’t have to write down your to-do list for the whole month. Instead, write your list for the next day only. So even if you had to skip one day of work towards the smaller goal, the next day we can do it by starting from where we left off. A cheat day shouldn’t demotivate you or stop you mid way.

Step 4: Developing new visions

Humans are always attracted to new ideas. So, while working on the list created by ourselves, we may or may not find new ways/motivation to reach your goals. Incorporate these in the daily list which will help reaching the goal a little bit faster.

Step 5: Track your daily achievements

Just making a list for the day doesn’t make us actually do it. So, we have to keep tracking these. The sense of accomplishment can motivate us to keep up with the progress that we have achieved till date.

Step 6: Reward yourself

After completing a goal, be it smaller/bigger goals, reward yourself. Reward doesn’t have to be a big one. It could be as simple as having a cup of ice cream or going for a ride. The feeling of final accomplishment with the reward will make you take up even more greater goals.

Follow these simple steps, and you may reach somewhere you never thought you would reach!

