Aimee Anil
MEmoirs by Mind Empowered
3 min readMay 1, 2022

The world, to me, is a palette and every human is a different shade — similar yet different, just like our fingerprints — unique!

In our time here, it is all about meeting different colours and savoring their vibrancy. I’ll share with you, few colours in my palette.

Vantablack — They being the darkest shade available till date, attracted a lot of hate. But little did the world know, they were once as pure as snow and the world did them black. But this person kept on absorbing the dark around to bring light to the others around them.

Sap green — As innocent as a baby and all about growth, they were the living embodiment of survival. Pushed from hardship to hardship, they grew without ever giving up. For a plant, what matters is what’s below and not how glorious they look above ground. Sap green had deep roots, always true to themselves and leaving an imprint on anyone they came across.

Image courtesy — Lijo Luke

Midnight blue — As stealth as the night, people think them to be mysterious. Little does the world know that they smile. Head full of ideas and the willingness to put in effort for the same but at times, they feel so alone in what they do. Still, they carry on like nothing’s happened and that’s their jive. Because midnight blue believes, at the end of the day, there’s only one life and one lifetime for everything this world got to offer.

Yellow — Bright as the sun but sometimes the little star that likes to hide behind clouds. They find joy in little things and appreciate everything they have. Yellow doesn’t understand everything and wouldn’t give a care in the world. For them it’s about the bright sunflower fields, daffodils by the lake and fireflies in the night sky!

Image — Lijo Luke

Blue — Blue carries the blues, but more so, blue carries a palette. Deep within them storms an ocean yet, they conjure life of canvas. With their magician fingers, blue draws out an essence of life. There are people who are so sweet that they end up getting hurt all the time, thereby turning them bitter but my friend blue gives colour to the bitter and still remains sweet. For them, it’s nothing but new shades of life.

Rose pink — As the colour itself, soft and plush and everything nice. The living embodiment of pure and nice, but never to compromise for they know, the moment you do, is the moment you lose yourself. Being with them makes you wonder, how can someone be so good? They get tugged by little things but are the strongest, bravest and the loveliest. This world has had enough of the aggressive, this world needs more of rose pink and I wish there would be more like them.

