Universal Feeling

Jayashree Menon
MEmoirs by Mind Empowered
3 min readMay 3, 2021

Definition: A feeling related to entire mankind or nature

Sounds interesting.

Suddenly I felt a tug and looked down. I saw a little girl with the most angelic face I had ever seen in my lifetime. I felt so happy and in love. But before I could speak — Heyyy……What was happening?

I found myself in the most beautiful place anyone could imagine. Golden sunshine, a glorious rainbow, heart shaped clouds, well pruned gardens lush with green leaves and flowers… And I saw people…of all ages. Name the relation and they were here! Fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts…. the list went on. They were all so happy, in Love. So this is how it would be when we’re all in love… All rosy and perfect.

Suddenly my heart was gripped with Fear. The fear of losing my beloved ones. And in no time the whole scenario changed. The sky darkened, the wind howled, the mood completely changed. Fear was written on everyone’s face…. Fear of losing, fear of the future, of the past, and of the unknown…

And I felt AngryEveryone felt angry for having to suffer. We were so happy, ‘What had happened?’, ‘Why us?’, the questions started pouring in. Everyone started to blame each other for their misfortunes.

The eyes which were once filled with love, now brimmed with Hatred. The whole atmosphere is now poisonous. I got so overwhelmed, I couldn’t breathe… Tears overflowed and I started to cry. A deep cry from the bottom of my heart. I felt my heart would be ripped off. I couldn’t take it any more…

Slowly a calmness came over me. I opened my eyes and found the same little girl. She was holding me. And this serene feeling was coming from her. I looked around, the world hadn’t changed, it was still the same. But something changed within me. A new feeling — Compassion. My heart is still filled with all range of emotions but now it also knows to be compassionate.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

True love is not looking at each other but looking together in the same direction. Love with a little dose of compassion evokes mutual respect and trust which helps us in the long way of life.

When someone showers you with negative emotions, instead of zoning them out (which we usually do), just ask, “What hurts you, dear?”. And you will find the person literally melting in front of you. Maybe not the first time or second time, but eventually they will, because humans are most vulnerable when faced with compassion and don’t know how to react.

All this is possible if you have a compassionate heart, if you can not only understand what the other person is going through, but live through that hurt.

Being compassionate teaches you to treat others the same way you want to be treated.

So, practice compassion, yes you heard it right… All other emotions flow easily through you, but to be compassionate you need to train yourself. Make it a habit. Life is all about little things, a little love, a little respect, a little understanding and a little compassion, that can change the whole world.

Of all the emotions let Compassion reign your heart.


