Vibrancy: Live a colourful life

Farha Salim
MEmoirs by Mind Empowered
3 min readApr 15, 2021

Another bright sunny morning, a wonderful day to wake up to. But the minute you’re up, all you can think of, are all the things that need to be done. Focusing solely on the tasks, you slip through them, one after another, until you get to the end of the day. All the while, crossing items off a to-do list that never ends. As the day comes to it’s close, the last drop of lively energy is drained from you. You go to bed worried about the next set of tasks, the next lap of this race you’re running, forgetting all about how far you came.

Does the above paragraph remind you of your own day? If yes, you’re not alone. Plenty of us have succumbed to this way of dull living, merging into monochromatic lives. Monochrome has its strange kind of beauty of course, but wouldn’t adding a dash of colour to your lives, make things different? No, this article is not for painters or artists alone — I promise — but to each one of us. If we’ve been living robotic lives, doesn’t it look like we’re fading into the background in our own stories?

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Anyone can follow this plain path of waking up in the morning, mindlessly jumping from one duty to another, and getting back to sleep at the end of the day. It requires extra effort to be vibrant. Now being vibrant, does not mean that you should disrupt your normal routine as an office clerk or school teacher and suddenly try bungee jumping one day. But it means that it would bring more energy into your life, once you play your normal roles, being mindful of yourself, awake and alert. The enthusiasm you put into any task makes a difference. Or you could always have a hobby, spend some time every day to work on something you like, to do something as simple as playing games, meeting your friends, spending quality time with your family, reading your favourite book, and the list goes on.

If we don’t put in this extra effort, it is most likely that we’re holding the doors open for the demons of negativity to creep in, and use up all the good space in our heads. This again would lead to more stress and anxiety. But once you cross that initial barrier that stops you from doing something, and go ahead and do it anyway, then the results are deeply rewarding. This would train your brain to be happier, and keep stress out of the way.

Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

If you have the keys to that one ride that would make your journey more joyful, then what’s stopping you? It does not even have to be a single route to take a ride like this. You have the keys, you can go anywhere. The goal is to overcome your fear to drive or any other hurdle that stops you from living a colourful life.

Vibrancy is important to stay alive and energized, and full of enthusiasm. Don’t get me wrong. We might not necessarily be able to be positive and zealous all the time. But make sure that we’re inclined to making our own lives more vibrant, rather than waiting for people or situations to make it lively. So go ahead and live a vibrant life, and like they always say:

“Don’t just survive, Live!”



Farha Salim
MEmoirs by Mind Empowered

A believer in listening to the unheard, finds happiness in being the voice of reason and justice, and wields the weapons of emotion and imagination.