Newlywed Bride Pushes Husband Off Cliff 8 Days After Their Wedding

She killed him in the one place he said he wanted to see before he died

Mia ✨
The Wicked Truth


Jordan Graham and Cody Johnson | Source: Sky News

To most people, weddings are joyous occasions; they symbolize love and mutual respect, uniting two families as one. Couples in love stand before their friends and family to profess their love for one another, vowing to stay together until death. For 25-year-old Cody Johnson, death would come only eight days after his wedding, when his newlywed bride would callously push him off a cliff, and he would plummet 200-feet.

Cody and 22-year-old Jordan Graham met in church in Montana. Cody wasn’t very religious until he met Jordan. Soon enough, they began dating and attending church together regularly. Cody quickly fell head over heels for Jordan, but according to the couples’ mutual friends, Jordan didn’t reciprocate his feelings to the same extent.

While Cody would try to spend as much time as possible with Jordan, she would look for excuses to avoid him. Their friends later stated they never once saw the couple kiss, hug, or hold hands. It was quite a shock to them when after only a year of dating, Cody proposed to Jordan and she happily accepted, even posting a photo of the ring on her Instagram page.

