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Memo Labs
Memo Labs
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2021

Building Reliable Decentralized Dual Storage for the Metaverse & NFTs

For a long time, the idea of blockchain within the general public has been dominated by cryptocurrencies and their data has been primarily stored on chain. The advent and sharp rise in popularity of the Metaverse & NFTs however has changed the landscape, introducing significant challenges in terms of data storage.

Differing from cryptocurrencies, the Metaverse & NFTs data adds and liveliness to the blockchain while requires huge capacity for its storage. Both NFTs, which began with art, and the Metaverse, which began with games, hold core the idea of “permanence,” the idea that digital assets are sustainable in the virtual world for perpetuity.

However, the slow transaction speed of the Ethereum chain along with its high cost of storage is are the biggest obstacles to transferring data on chain. Hence the fact that most NFT trading platforms along with gaming on the Metaverse still rely on centralized storage despite many instances of lost data.

There’s an inherent irony to decentralized blockchain projects turning to centralized stroage to fulfill their needs. The use of IPFS alleviates this contradiction somewhat but IPFS isn’t perfect regarding it’s storage reliability, leaving much room for improvement.

Metastorage aims to solve the storage problems of the Metaverse & NFT by integrating the advantages of both IPFS and MEFS with the goal of building reliable infrastructure for the Metaverse.

What is Metastorage?

Metastorage is based on the MEMO distributed storage system and is dedicated to providing NFT trading platforms and digital creators of NFTs with an easy to use and reliable storage option for their assets in the wider Metaverse.

Metastorage adopts the parallel mode of dual storage system, which links both the IPFS system and the MEFS system. Allowing for decentralized dual backup storage with just a single click.

IPFS is both well known and widely used due to its advantage of content addressing function. MEMO utilizes MEFS as the storage protocol of our distributed storage system as it holds advantages in data layering mechanism, redundancy and our original RAFI technology which is a leap forwards in data repair.

Therefore MEFS makes up for the low storage reliability of IPFS and Metastorage combines the advantages of both systems to ensure data security and reliability.

Features of Metastorage

1. Safe and Reliable Storage

The Metadata of NFTs and the Metaverse are stored separately on global edge nodes using dual backup systems to greatly improve reliability and tolerance to failures so that data storage is truly permanent.

2. Quick Validation Queries

The storage copies of NFTs and Metadata can be queried quickly and efficiently resulting in high system availability.

Metastorage Advantages

1. Stability

With utilizing the dual storage system of IPFS and MEFS, users can preview media files at any time via the content addressing system within IPFS. At the same time, data will be stored in the high reliable MEFS system, which ensures data will be stored permanently, in turn helping NFTs circulate continuously and Metastorage’s permanent operation.

2. Accessibility

Metastorage is easy to operate as the storage process only requires five steps, making it simple for creators of all types to utilize the system.

3. Expansion

Metastorage provides multiple different storage interface services, which not only serves various types of users but also ensures that different platforms can store large quantities of date on the system.



Memo Labs
Memo Labs

MEMO is a new-gen blockchain decentralized cloud storage protocol. Our mission is to build a reliable storage infrastructure for the Web3 era. www.memolabs.org